My guest today is Adrian Bethune. Adrian is the founder of “Teachappy” - a company whose mission is to help teachers and children lead happier, healthier lives. He’s also the author of the book “Wellbeing in the Primary Classroom – A Practical Guide to Teaching Happiness” and the Deputy Chair of “Well Schools”.

I always enjoy catching up with Adrian. He is one of the few rational, positive voices when it comes to wellbeing in schools and it was great to talk again to someone who I agree with on so many levels. I’ve also never laughed so hard with a guest as I did with him after we’d stopped recording - a conversation that neither of us are ready to put out into the world yet!

What we did record was equally enlightening, fun and practical.

We talk about:

- The things on Twitter that make Adrian and me cringe

- True happiness and the hedonic treadmill

- Stickers, sweets and certificates as rewards

- Teacher wellbeing - systemic change vs personal responsibility

- The one thing Adrian would change about primary schools

- & more

Enjoy the episode.

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