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If you have ever thought, " I don't want to make anyone feel bad because I'm not drinking." You are in the right place. 

You don't want your drinking to impact other people in a negative way, so when you are asked about it, you freeze.  

You don't know how to respond and end up defending, explaining yourself or pointing the blame at you. 

This is not the way to establish confidence in your alcohol free journey. 

How you  respond to others as you go along your alcohol free journey, will dictate your success in a huge way.  

In today's episode you will learn:

The thoughts you have that aren't true about other peopleWhat you need to understand about yourself to be confident responding to others about your drinking.Exactly what to say and how to say it in a way that invites people in to a conversation rather than creates shame or defiensiveness.Where to focus your attention when you are in social settings that will reduce your fear and desire to drink.Why we go into freeze and need to defend or explain ourselves. 

TED TALK: One Simple Trick To Reclaim Your Power
Kasia Urbaniak's Work

If you are ready to start putting the pieces together and get a head start on your sober curious journey, click here to join,  Awakened Sober Living. 

The secret sauce is asking the right questions, answering them and then going deeper. If you are over the trap of moderation, stopping and starting, this is the space for you to get a new perspective  and make space for something new.