Special Mother's Day Intro Surprise! This episode is dedicated to my beautiful Mother, Shannon Thompson, for whom, none of this would be possible. My life and love have blessed,  thank you. WIth Change Comes Resistance, the only way to move forward is to walk through it. A refusal to accept change, in this case your relationship to alcohol. The first step to facing resistance is to acknowledge that it's happening. Alcohol becomes a way of life, to move away from alcohol is to accept a new way to be in the world, as part of it's ever changing nature. 

 When we refuse to accept something, we stay in a state of denial, stasis, or constant moderation. 

We have to know what we are resisting? Why?

How does it feel?

What about this change feels the most scary, unsettling?

Where can you let go?

What can inspire you on the other side of change? 

Honoring the need for change and it's inevitability can you see infinite possibility?

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What Is The 5 Shifts Process?
The 5 shifts is a system of how we learn through Awareness, Education & Growth using mindset and mindfulness principals.
Reduce your desire & attachment for alcohol by unlearning alcohol,  NOT by replace it with something new.

Join Mary in her private coaching mentorship and start applying these shift in real time. Find out more and how to schedule a call HERE.
Register For the Free Training: Find Freedom To Alcohol In Five Shifts
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