In this episode of Shut Up and Sit, Yedda welcomes her father, Bob, to shut up and sit down with her to explore what it means to create a love-based vision for your life and how to discover your purpose by moving beyond ego and the trappings of external success.

Bob reflects on a childhood chock full of sports, adventure, and a disdain for school; and an adulthood defined by sheer hard work, ever-increasing responsibilities, and an unquenchable thirst to have more in life. It’s a journey of growth that required the constant shattering of limiting beliefs; a search for meaning that didn’t involve money, titles, or accolades; and helping his new family realize that they could create the life of their dreams through the power of a strong vision.

“If your vision is not based on love, the work that’s going to be required is arduous instead of pleasurable. That doesn’t mean all the work in a love-based vision is pleasurable; but it’s a lot more pleasurable if it’s based on love. You love what you’re doing. You’ll run into some headwinds and you’ll get a few tailwinds and so on; but the key is, when the love is on anything, it can’t help but succeed. If somebody tells me they love something, then they’re going to succeed. They have to succeed because love is the most powerful influence in the universe.” - Bob

Listen in to hear how a carefree, small-town kid grew to be a respected leader in both his family and career, and how he and Mom came together with a common vision that instilled within the whole family a passion for self-development.

“It doesn’t matter what you do. Be in a place of love and alignment, and you’ll wake up everyday and high-five the Universe because you’re excited to get up and do what you want to do.” - Yedda Stancil



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About Yedda:

As a consciousness coach and consultant, Yedda strives to be present with everyone she meets, aspiring to pay total attention without judgement. She is open-minded and lives life with an open heart, offering others a sacred safe space to grow and evolve, free from suffering and shame.

Yedda’s ultimate desire is to live in a world where every person feels awakened and deeply connected to their authentic self—a world centered around lovingkindness and equanimity, where all humans feel safe to communicate soul-to-soul. Dedicated to serving something greater than herself, Yedda defines her life’s work as “walking others home to the truth that we are ALL the highest and grandest expression of Source.”

Yedda offers a unique blend of leadership, mindfulness, and personal development skills to clients, helping them to integrate mind, body, and soul.


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