In this episode of Shut Up and Sit, Yedda welcomes her mother to shut up and sit down with her to explore her personal growth and healing journey, which has allowed their entire family to break free of addiction, abuse, and unhealthy patterns and habits. 

Mom shares her experience with getting pregnant with Yedda as a teenager, living in extreme poverty, and working to create a better life for themselves. They discuss topics like intergenerational trauma, breaking free of the victim mentality, and struggling with alcoholism, depression, and anxiety as a mother of four. Mom speaks on the monumental turning point, induced by silence, that led to her a higher knowingness and recovery from alcoholism.

“In that silence, the greatest peace just came upon me that I had ever experienced in my life. I had never experienced anything like it and I knew for the first time in my life that if God could take my life and He didn’t, I was supposed to be here and there was a purpose and a plan for my life and I didn’t have to know what it was, I just had to show up and surrender.” - Mom

It’s never too late to go within and do the work because it creates a ripple effect for future generations. There’s so much beauty in that and Yedda’s mother is one example of that beauty. Listen in to hear her incredible story of learning and healing that has inspired the Shut Up and Sit movement, as well as how she and her partner are incorporating silence and stillness in their daily lives. Plus, Mom gives powerful advice for people feeling worthless and stuck in life.

“The pain is going to happen in life, but suffering is optional.” - Yedda Stancil



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About Yedda:

As a consciousness coach and consultant, Yedda strives to be present with everyone she meets, aspiring to pay total attention without judgement. She is open-minded and lives life with an open heart, offering others a sacred safe space to grow and evolve, free from suffering and shame.

Yedda’s ultimate desire is to live in a world where every person feels awakened and deeply connected to their authentic self—a world centered around lovingkindness and equanimity, where all humans feel safe to communicate soul-to-soul. Dedicated to serving something greater than herself, Yedda defines her life’s work as “walking others home to the truth that we are ALL the highest and grandest expression of Source.”

Yedda offers a unique blend of leadership, mindfulness, and personal development skills to clients, helping them to integrate mind, body, and soul.


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