In this episode of Shut Up and Sit, Yedda welcomes JJ White, a Dale Carnegie franchise owner, to shut up and sit down with her to discuss the meaning behind Yedda’s favorite chapter of her book: Why Are You Killing Yourself? They also talk about the relationship between health, wellness, personal growth, and development.

JJ shares his experience with getting diabetes in his 40s, gaining weight during the covid-19 pandemic, and what finally pushed him to work with a health coach and take a more intentional, driven approach to health and nutrition. He describes his incredible physical and mental health transformation and how he beat diabetes, then he and Yedda share their candid thoughts on the 75 Hard program. 

“There’s this false belief that if you just go to the gym and you just run… you can eat what you want, you can do what you want… totally untrue.” - JJ White

Yedda believes we can all wake up out of our Twinkie and Cheetos trances to see the truth of who we really are. Listen in learn insights into how to change a belief system and interrupt patterns of behavior that don’t serve you, the role that inner needs plays in our unhealthy behaviors, and the two biggest lessons JJ has learned on his weight loss journey. 

“What inner need does your worst habit fulfill?” - Yedda Stancil



75 Hard: 

Mel Robbins’ Ted Talk:

Buy the book:

Take the course: 

To learn more about JJ White and to connect with him, visit:


About Yedda:

As a consciousness coach and consultant, Yedda strives to be present with everyone she meets, aspiring to pay total attention without judgement. She is open-minded and lives life with an open heart, offering others a sacred safe space to grow and evolve, free from suffering and shame.

Yedda’s ultimate desire is to live in a world where every person feels awakened and deeply connected to their authentic self—a world centered around lovingkindness and equanimity, where all humans feel safe to communicate soul-to-soul. Dedicated to serving something greater than herself, Yedda defines her life’s work as “walking others home to the truth that we are ALL the highest and grandest expression of Source.”

Yedda offers a unique blend of leadership, mindfulness, and personal development skills to clients, helping them to integrate mind, body, and soul.


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