“Let life guide you to something that you couldn't have planned.” - Jacqueline Claire


Life will lead you in weird, unexpected journeys. Are you up for the challenge? In this episode, Art interviews Jacquline Claire about why you shouldn’t ignore the signs that point you to your purpose. Jacqueline guides us on how to explore our purpose, get to know what we really want, and live a life tailored with our passion and intentions. Listen to this week’s enlightening podcast!  


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02:07 Family Of Artists

09:10 From Being An Actress To Visual Arts

16:20 Acting VS Visual Art

20:24 Explore What You Want

29:13 Every Life Has A Purpose

33:23 Children’s Illustration

39:31 Combining Acting, Live Exhibits & Spiritual Storytelling

44:46 Know What You Want

53:47 3 Core Expectations

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