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How much of your life is spent waking up, going through the motions, and then going to bed?

That's because you aren't living on PURPOSE.

You're living in survival mode. You're waiting for life to get easier, for the husband to change, for the money to come in, for the kids to get older until you feel like you can slow down and live your life.

Except that's not going to happen.

Because your brain is habitually running in survival mode, so there won't BE a time that it feels safe to just enjoy. 

Most of us learned at an early age that life is hard, to not get our hopes up, to not get too comfortable when things are going well because something bad is JUST around the corner.

Except MOST of the time, everything is fine. It's likely that just 1% of your life requires you living in survival mode, but your brain is SO afraid of that 1% that it just lives in survival mode ALL the time...just to be safe.

And so we all walk around on autopilot. Just going through the motions. Living a FINE life in survival mode...just in case.

Today's episode I will teach you:

~ the definition of survival mode

~ why you spend most of your time in survival mode

~ how to shift out of survival mode and shift into living a life on PURPOSE.