It can be far too tempting to allow times of uncertainty derail us on our path to achieving our goals, and the COVID-19 pandemic is obviously no exception to this. My message to you today is to not give in to this temptation, but, instead to stay motivated and continue to pursue your goals so that, when we all come out the other side of this, you will have continued to move forward in achieving them.

As we all shift into this time of the ‘new normal’, we have the choice of either watching our dreams and goals slip away, or of investing in them, keeping the right attitude, focusing on what we can control, and being that ‘little engine that could’. In this episode, we’ll look at the consequences of ‘hiding under a rock’ during a crisis, and the benefits of staying motivated and maintaining a growth mindset throughout.  We’ll also explore the value of setting a 90 day goal for yourself, and working towards it by achieving and celebrating smaller behavior goals along the way.

Again, I know things are uncertain out there, but now is NOT the time to give up on yourself and your goals. While we are practicing social distancing, the risk of depression and a lack of motivation is very real. Email me to learn more about the communities I have available to you at [email protected] or schedule a call with me, and please remember to share with me your ‘90 Day Goal’.


The Finer Details of This Episode:

-   The importance of staying motivated during times of uncertainty

-   Setting a 90 Day Goal

-   Recognizing potential obstacles to achieving goals and planning for them

-  The differences between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset

- ‘What can I learn from this?’

- Behavior goals and focusing on what you can control



“We don’t want to give up on moving forward.”

“My hope is that in 90 days we have a lot of this behind us.”

“No matter what your ability is, effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment.”

“Mindset truly is the anchor to our success.”

“If we keep pushing forward and getting back up, we will get there.”

“Focus on the process.”

“You have the ability to shift, you just have to do the work.”

“This pandemic is a marathon and so we’ve got to pace ourselves and really focus on each day instead of halfway down the road.”

“Even if we don’t hit the outcome goal, we are so much farther along than we would have if we didn’t do anything.”

“Focus on the behaviors that you can control…celebrate the little wins along the way, and, as a result, stay in that growth mindset.”

“Don’t be shy – reach out to me.”


Show Links:

Join The Goal Getters Club Facebook group -

Free workshop “5 Ways to Improve your Energy and Health”:

Ascend Mastermind -