Today’s episode emphasizes the need for self-compassion particularly during these unprecedented times when it is so easy to slip into bouts of self-judgment. You’ll learn some strategies to help you get better at achieving balance between effort and ease, as well as 3 questions you need to ask yourself first thing in the morning. I also let you in on some examples of how I ensure accountability in my own life, and there’s a special announcement about an exciting membership opportunity for listeners which can provide even further support.

I know things are uncertain out there, but now is NOT the time to give up on yourself and your goals. While we are practicing social distancing, the risk of depression and a lack of motivation is very real. Email me to learn more about the community I have available to you at [email protected] or schedule a call with me Please also remember to contact me with your responses to the questions posed during the podcast, share with me your biggest takeaway from this very important episode, and let me know how I can show up for you even more.

The Finer Details of This Episode:

-   Choosing self compassion over self judgment

-   Reasons why we spend so much time in effort/doing

-   Ways to get better at balancing effort and ease

- 3 questions to ask yourself daily

- The perils inherent in an ‘all or nothing’ mentality

- How Kelly ensures accountability

- Kelly’s membership opportunity for listeners


“Our value and our worthiness is not tied up in ‘doing’.”

“Everyone is kind of being active to avoid feeling.”

“You’ve got to learn to respond to what you need right now.”

“If we don’t shine a light on what is actually going on within us, we can’t do anything about it.”

“All or nothing mentality can be problematic…something is better than nothing.” 

Show Links:

Schedule a call with Kelly:

Join The Goal Getters Club Facebook group -

Free checklist “5 Ways to Postiively Manage Your Emotions”:

Alisa Vitti’s ‘Flo Living’ homepage: