Following up on an old listener question, I’m taking time this week to shine a light on what explorer Dan Buettner has referred to as Blue Zones, regions across the globe where people seem to live much longer on average—over a hundred years, in fact! These areas include Sardinia in Italy, Okinawa in Japan and Icaria in Greece. Loma Linda California and the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. There’s no supernatural reason why people in these zones live so long, rather that they make an array of small but significant lifestyle choices that increase not only their longevity but their quality of life.

These lifestyle choices can be boiled down to the “Power Nine” lessons, which range from adjusting and moderating one’s diet to developing a spiritually and physically close support system. At the core, it’s about having a strong connection, your outlook, how you move, and the way you eat.   In this episode, I explore these nine lessons in depth, explore their long-term effects, and explain how you can apply them to your own life. 

I’ve opened up a new cohort for my Ascend Mastermind, which starts April 1! If you’re an ambitious female entrepreneur or high level professional who is ready to uplevel your health and well-being (mental, emotional, physical) so you can reach your professional and personal goals (and be happy doing it), this Mastermind is the perfect opportunity for you. You’ll get to work with, be held accountable by, and find support among like-minded women as you ascend. Check out the details here: 

The Finer Details of This Episode:

Regular, low-intensity physical activity that is naturally part of your work and/or lifestyle. A diet that emphasizes plant intake over meat, with lots of whole foods, nuts and beans. Focusing not so much on feeling full as feeling satisfied when you eat (the “80% rule”). Using repeatable routines or rituals that centre us and downshift the stress in our lives. Regular alcohol consumption is fine if it’s moderate and social. Living a purpose-oriented life that keeps you fulfilled and motivated from day to day increases your chances of longevity. A religious or at least spiritual lifestyle can strengthen social bonds and enable healthy living. Putting your family first and making the most of the natural support system they provide. Surrounding yourself with people who share the same values and beliefs as your own.



“It’s about being intentional about your activity all day long.”

“If your great grandma wouldn’t recognize it, probably not something you would want to eat!”

“It’s not about restricting, it’s about paying attention to your body.”

“You can’t work on quieting the mind if you don’t try.”

Show Links:

Blue Zones -

Healthy High Performer, episode 6: Nutrition Isn’t Easy: 3 Steps to Take Beyond Eating Kale -

Ascend Mastermind -

7 Things Your Evening Routine Should Include -

The Goal Getters Club Facebook group -

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