In our society we waste a lot of time and energy trying to fix ourselves. Women are focused on shrinking their bodies, hiding their age and trying to erase any sign of a flaw. All of this is exhausting, and takes us away from what truly matters in life and what we are meant to do — which in my opinion is to make an impact in our families, work, and communities. 

In this episode, I lay out five ways you can constructively challenge yourself and shift your perspective on your body for the better. If you take these to heart, you should find yourself wanting to shed shame and guilt rather than shedding pounds. And with that, you’ll be spending your time and energy on things that help you move the needle in your work and your life. 

I’ve opened up a new cohort for my Ascend Mastermind, which starts April 1! If you’re an ambitious female entrepreneur or high level professional who is ready to uplevel your health and well-being (mental, emotional, physical) so you can reach your professional and personal goals (and be happy doing it), this Mastermind is the perfect opportunity for you. You’ll get to work with, be held accountable by, and find support among like-minded women as you ascend. Check out the details here: 

The Finer Details of This Episode:

Celebrate your body and pay attention to what you really need, not what strangers say you need. Take credit for your beauty instead of deflecting. Apologize to your body, namely the parts of yourself you’ve never been particularly proud of. Unfollow those on social media who—however unintentionally—leave you feeling ashamed of your body, and follow those who inspire positivity. Do the damn thing and take the action you can now rather than waiting for a hypothetical “perfect” time to do it.



“Why not work to get to a place where the norm is accepting our bodies?”

“You can accept yourself for where you're at right now and also work on improving yourself.”

“We’re so focused on maintaining or shrinking that we don’t listen to what we actually need.”

“You have a choice whether or not to expose yourself to the things that trigger you.”

“What are you saying ‘no’ to that you could be saying ‘hell yes’ to today?”

Show Links:

Ascend Mastermind -

The Goal Getters Club Facebook group -

Ready to take your work a bit deeper? Schedule a call with me to discuss ways we can work together.