Personal coaching is a booming but also very unregulated industry, which means that it attracts a lot of so-called coaches or mentors who might not be qualified to practice what they preach—and in the process, they can end up doing some real harm. I’m speaking from my own recent and less-than-positive experience participating in someone else’s program where I felt the systems, coaching and community didn’t deliver on what was promised.

So for this episode, I’m providing you with five questions you should ask yourself before committing to working with a coach -whether it’s 1:1 or in a group program or course. In addition, I elaborate on the importance of showing up and explain how a good investment helped improve my relationship with money. 

I’m opening up a new cohort for my Ascend Mastermind, which starts April 1! If you’re an ambitious female entrepreneur or high level professional who is ready to uplevel your health and well-being (mental, emotional, physical) so you can reach your professional and personal goals (and be happy doing it), this Mastermind is the perfect opportunity for you. You’ll get to work with, be held accountable by, and find support among like-minded women as you ascend. Check out the details here: 

The Finer Details of This Episode:


Is this coach/mentor/business a promoter, or are they getting results? Is this coach actually qualified in some way to help or lead people? Does this coach allow you a safe space to feel vulnerable or uncomfortable? Is the coach able to accept being wrong from time to time? Why do you want to work with this coach and/or program in particular?

ALSO: check out my private Facebook group —> The Goal Getters Club. This week I’m hosting a free workshop “How to Relieve Anxiety” and you can catch the replay there. Join us here:


“I really believe that as coaches we have a responsibility to continuously do the work on ourselves.”

“I’m not for everyone, and not everyone is for me.”

“Masterminds are filled with people that are reminding you of how far you’ve come and where you can go.”

“Opportunities will open up when you say ‘yes’ to playing a bigger game.”

Show Links:


Healthy High Performer, episode 12: Level Up Your Community for Health and Success -

Ascend Mastermind -

7 Things Your Evening Routine Should Include -

The Goal Getters Club Facebook group -

Ready to take your work a bit deeper? Schedule a call with me to discuss ways we can work together.