Between the newest cohort of my Ascend Mastermind and my one-on-one clients, I’ve recently been getting a lot of questions about the ins and outs of coaching. I want to impress that coaching is more than just talk—it’s thoughtful action that you carry out to achieve the change you desire and push through resistance when it comes up. It’s about changing the stories we’ve been unknowingly telling ourselves for a long time. 

In this episode, I walk you through my own coaching process, help you identify the entrenched beliefs that hold you back, and ask  you questions that you can explore right away. If you’ve already been doing the work, changing your habits and rethinking your mindset, this episode will take you even deeper and truly challenge you.

I’m also happy to announce that I’m opening up a new cohort for my Ascend Mastermind! If you’re a high achieving entrepreneur or high level professional who is ready to uplevel your health and well-being (mental, emotional, physical) so you can reach your professional and personal goals (and be happy doing it), this Mastermind is the perfect opportunity for you. You’ll get to work with, be held accountable by, and find support among like-minded women as you ascend. Check out the details here: 

The Finer Details of This Episode:

- Why there’s more action to coaching than you might think there is.

- The reason playing it safe and waiting for the right moment is never going to pay off the way you think it will.

- How we get trapped in self-defeating cycles of victimhood—and what you can do to break free of yours.

- What are some of the “patterns” that keep us stuck in a rut?

- How the stories we tell ourselves influence the behaviors that keep us coming back to unhealthy living.

- Why shutting out negative emotions is actually a missed opportunity.

- Lastly: challenging the deep-seated beliefs that lead to shame and indecision.


“There’s more work to this if you want lasting change.”

“It’s always going to be scary because change is scary!”

“Comparing your race with someone else’s will always make you feel like you aren’t further along.”

“What stories do I tell myself that create my behaviors right now?”

“If we don’t do the deeper work, then we either stay stuck or we don’t follow through.”

“It’s not you failing, it’s just not having all of the tools to get it done.”

Show Links:

Ascend Mastermind -

Ready to take your work a bit deeper? Schedule a call with me to discuss ways we can work together.