Self-care is an important tool in improving overall health and well-being so you can show up your best in you career and life. It allows us to take some time out, recharge, and create the space we need to show up with more energy, focus and clarity. BUT, we don’t all have a great relationship with it. If we misuse self-care and end up relying on it as a way of shutting out our problems OR avoid it because we don’t feel deserving of it -  it can keep us from improving our health and reaching new levels of success. 

We want to be able to use self-care effectively. So for this episode, I break down what self care is (and isn’t), discuss why so many of us resist taking part in self-care practices (and/or use them in unhealthy ways), and explain what I believe needs to happen FIRST in order to be able to engage in truly healthy self-care, 

I’m also happy to announce that I’m opening up a new cohort for my Ascend Mastermind! If you’re a high achieving entrepreneur or high level professional who is ready to uplevel your health and well-being (mental, emotional, physical) so you can reach your professional and personal goals (and be happy doing it), this Mastermind is the perfect opportunity for you. You’ll get to work with, be held accountable by, and find support among like-minded women as you ascend. Check out the details here:

The Finer Details of This Episode:

- What’s your current approach to self-care: resist it or go all-in?

- Looking at how self-care is defined in different ways.

- What doesn’t count as self-care, and what you should try to focus on first when caring for yourself.

- When what we think is self-care turns into simply numbing or ignoring the pain we’re feeling.

- Reveal why the intention behind our self-care practices is a clue as to whether we’re using it in a healthy way (or not). 

- The strange way our own brains will try to keep us from engaging in self-care.

- I break down the only form of self-care that truly reduces your stress and anxiety.

- Consider overcoming your fears rather than trying to punch them in the face.


“[Self-care] is not about adding more to your to-do list.”

“You put on your own mask first so that you can help others around you.”

“None of it will work if you don’t start with what’s happening in your head and your heart.”

“Self-care, in theory, should be something that refuels us rather than takes from us.”

“The ‘why’ of self-care matters way more than the action.”

“It’s not about changing a behavior—it’s about getting to the emotional layer that is causing the behavior.”

Show Links:

Ascend Mastermind -

Ready to take your work a bit deeper? Schedule a call with me to discuss ways we can work together.