What if the vision or life you have in mind for yourself doesn’t line up with what friends, family or even society expect from you? Do you stay comfortable and keep checking off all of the boxes on the list of what you *should do*, or do you venture off in another direction because it actually makes you happy, In today’s episode, I’m discussing what happens when we choose to go after goals or live a bit *unconventionally*. I help you break away from the idea that there’s only one right way to do things, challenge you to start asking yourself why you’re choosing things in your life and teach you the secret for dealing with the doubts that may creep in if you opt to do things differently.

Next week, I will be premiering a new workshop, Second Month. February is often when people start to fall behind on their New Year’s goals, so it’s the perfect time to work with other women and me to keep yourself on track. I promise to help you reach your goals and gain confidence even if you’ve given up or decided to change what you want to achieve. The workshop will be held online at February 13 at 4PM PST/7PM EST. Sign up here: https://kelly-travis.mykajabi.com/month-2

The Finer Details of This Episode:

- How my own experiences taught me that it’s okay if everything doesn’t go as planned.

- What questions you should—and probably shouldn’t—ask people who choose a less conventional path in life.

- Accepting that doing something out of the norm can and will feel a little isolating—and how to find strength in others who’ve chosen the less-travelled path.

- Overcoming the doubts people may plant in your head by reframing them as challenges.


“I have been the happiest in the last five [years] when I have not been following any one type of expectation.”

“I found myself recognizing that I was chasing other people’s goals and not my own.”

“You’ve gotta own your choice and not apologize for it!”

“I don’t have expectations beyond just being happy.”

Show Links:

Ready to take your work a bit deeper? Schedule a call with me to discuss ways we can work together. www.kellytravis.net/discovery