Next Episode: Insomnia

.... “Got a new tattoo. . . I’m definitely, probably not taking care of it right” ....

.... “f*** I can’t just like leave this bath water sitting on my tattoo” ....

.... “How do I care for this but also I’m gonna stay in this m***** f****** bath” ....

.... “. . . It look like made with chalk and its just gonna wash off” ....

.... “Rough around the edges or something, like me” ....

.... “If this shit f***** heals and scabs and the ink doesn’t stay some in some spots cuz I was bad . . . You know what. . . I don’t care” ....

.... “like, that’s like i just antiqued my tattoo” ....

.... “I’m just patina-ing my tattoo” ....

.... “I might like it better” ....