Hello & Welcome to the Research Zone podcast, the podcast where we aim to make sense of youth mental health research. Each week, we will talk to a different researcher to learn about their research project, discussing the why, what, where, when and how of their research, and most importantly, how this can benefit us as young people. 

Today I am joined by Essi Viding to chat about differences in how young people process emotions. We will cover: 

A summary of the research Essi has done research in Why emotional processing and differences in them is so important How Essi goes about doing her studies, and how young people are involved Interesting findings from the research Real world implications from this area What’s next in this area of researchWhere can people get involved & find out more 

To find out more about todays topics: 

Essi’s profile page - https://www.ucl.ac.uk/pals/people/essi-viding Essi’s email address - [email protected] Developmental Risk & Resilience Unit website (the research centre Essi works at) - https://drru-research.org/ Information about the McPin Foundation that Essi mentions recruiting from in previous projects - https://mcpin.org/young-peoples-network/ 

If you've found anything talked about today upsetting or triggering, then please reach out for support! You can text YM to 82558, or visit findahelpline.com to find someone to help you with whatever you’re feeling. However you feel, you are never alone. 

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Music Credit: Upbeat and Inspiring created by Lesfm from Pixabay