Haylie Pomroy has spent 20 years helping people lose weight, overcome health challenges, and reach their ideal health. She is a four-time New York Times bestselling author and, thanks to producer Mason Novick and Dr. Oz, she’s also known as the “Metabolism Whisperer.”


Key Takeaways:

[1:24] Haylie went through her own health crisis, which led her to learn all she could about health.

[1:50] It all comes down to food.

[2:27] Haylie got her nickname, the “Metabolism Whisperer,” from Mason Novick and
Dr. Oz.

[3:00] Can you really change your metabolism?

[3:54] Haylie likes to travel, ride horses, and cook with her family.

[4:47] Haylie had food allergies and eczema as a child.

[4:56] Haylie was diagnosed with ITP but was able to turn her health around, through the study of food and micronutrients.

[5:57] We’re just starting to talk about autoimmune disease, but it’s a huge problem.

[6:10] Patients with autoimmune disease don’t always get the right support from their doctors.

[6:41] Haylie’s book deserves its great success.

[8:07] There is no room for guilt, shame, or deprivation in Haylie’s program.

[9:02] What does Haylie eat to nourish her adrenals?

[10:00] Ketogenic diets are usually not the way to go.

[11:07] Complex carbohydrates are important.

[11:30] If it is easier to gain weight than to lose weight, you have to focus on metabolism.

[11:57] Less won’t be more.

[12:50] Haylie has a free gift on her website.

[13:58] Go to HayliePomroy.com for a free Seven Day Jumpstart Guide.

[14:11] Visit JJVirgin.com to discover the #1 resource for fast and lasting fat loss.

[14:47] JJ answers a listener’s question about carbs and blood sugar.


Mentioned in This Episode:

The Virgin Diet: Drop 7 Foods, Lose 7 Pounds, Just 7 Days, by JJ Virgin

The Fast Metabolism Diet: Eat More Food &  Lose More Weight, by Haylie Pomroy

The Fast Metabolism Diet Cookbook, by Haylie Pomroy

The Burn: Why Your Scale Is Stuck And What to Eat About It, by Haylie Pomroy

Fast Metabolism Food Rx: 7 Powerful Prescriptions to Feed Your Body Back to Health, by Haylie Pomroy

Haylie’s Website