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The Real Truth About Health Free 17 Day Live Online Conference Podcast

2,442 episodes - English - Latest episode: 5 days ago -

Join the world's top medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, dietitians, nutritionists, scientists, researchers and authors who will share with you the unbiased, accurate, scientifically proven truth about health, nutrition, the food system, the medical system and the environment - Visit Us at

Medical and Health information changes constantly. Therefore, the information provided in this podcast should not be considered current, complete, or exhaustive. Reliance on any information provided in this podcast is solely at your own risk.

The Real Truth About Health does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, products, procedures, or opinions referenced in the following podcasts, nor does it exercise any authority or editorial control over that material. The Real Truth About Health provides a forum for discussion of public health issues. The views and opinions of our panelists do not necessarily reflect those of The Real Truth About Health and are provided by those panelists in their individual capacities. The Real Truth About Health has not reviewed or evaluated those statements or claims.

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Perfection Can Be the Enemy of Good: The Power of Incremental Change in Diet

December 07, 2023 22:30 - 1 hour - 55.4 MB

Dr. Anthony Lim discusses the interplay between traditional medical treatments and lifestyle medicine, emphasizing the importance of addressing root causes rather than just treating symptoms. Dr. Lim stresses the value of combining the best of both worlds - using lifestyle changes as the foundation for healing, supplemented by medical interventions when necessary. He offers insights into blood pressure management, cholesterol levels, and the role of diet in cardiovascular health. #LifestyleM...

Aggressive Non-violence: A Stand for Earth's Oceans

December 07, 2023 19:00 - 25 minutes - 23.8 MB

Captain Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace and founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, stresses the urgent need to actively protect our planet's oceans from human intervention. While the planet can recover over millions of years, humanity may not have the same luxury. Watson highlights the significance of phytoplankton as the foundation of life in the ocean and points out the reckless, unchecked nature of commercial fishing. Asserting that we are in the midst of the sixth major ...

The Profound Impact of Physical Activity on Cancer Survival Rates

December 07, 2023 14:00 - 26 minutes - 23.8 MB

Dr. Donald Abrams sheds light on the connection between stress and cancer progression. He discusses stress hormones' effects on the immune system and advocates for holistic approaches to cancer care. #IntegrativeOncology #StressAndCancer #HolisticHealth

Harnessing Wellness Technologies for Cellular Activation and Enhancement

December 06, 2023 22:30 - 46 minutes - 43 MB

Sunil Pai, M.D., delves deep into the significance of wellness technologies, particularly the 'cloud,' a cutting-edge bio resonance device. He discusses how this patented technology stimulates molecular activation, offering faster results and a deeper impact. Through frequency therapy, the cloud device supports the body's natural functions, ensuring better blood flow and improved cell metabolism. Pai further elaborates on its efficacy in facilitating wound healing, among other benefits. This...

Rejuvenation of the Brain: Achieving Strength and Vitality at Any Age

December 06, 2023 19:00 - 42 minutes - 38.5 MB

Dr. Gabriel Cousens dives deep into the integrative processes of the brain and highlights the importance of aerobic exercises for brain rejuvenation. He challenges the notion that aging necessarily means cognitive and physical decline, presenting evidence of how meditation, proper nutrition, and physical activity can enhance brain function. Drawing from personal experiences, he underscores that age can be a time for growth, increased strength, and clarity. #BrainHealth #AgeingGracefully #Hol...

Deciphering Diets: The Power of Low-Fat Plant-Based Eating for Blood Glucose Control

December 06, 2023 14:00 - 10 minutes - 9.92 MB

Cyrus Khambatta, PHD, elucidates the dietary confusion prevalent in today's health scene, emphasizing the transformative power of low-fat, whole food plant-based diets for optimal blood glucose control and reduced chronic disease risk. With a data-driven approach, Khambatta underscores that while high-fat diets can temporarily suppress blood sugar levels, they might lead to long-term health issues. He advocates for a balanced approach, prioritizing whole carbohydrates and maintaining a modes...

Two Decades of Plant-Based Passion: The Health Transformations of James Loomis, M.D., and Caryn Dugan

December 05, 2023 22:30 - 16 minutes - 14.7 MB

In this enlightening discussion, James Loomis, M.D., and Caryn Dugan share their personal health journeys and the pivotal moments that led them to embrace plant-based nutrition. From personal tragedies to profound health revelations, both speakers highlight the transformative power of plants. Their combined experience in teaching, coaching, and medical practice showcases real-world evidence of patients reversing chronic diseases, emphasizing the necessity for support in maintaining a healthf...

Healing the Planet: A Call for Global Solutions

December 05, 2023 19:00 - 51 minutes - 47.3 MB

Julian Cribb emphasizes the urgent need to address the multifaceted challenges threatening Earth and humanity's existence. He highlights the alarming implications of mindless development and agriculture on our environment, underscoring the importance of revitalizing the planet by reintroducing lost species and curbing chemical pollutants. Cribb stresses the creation of global bodies to ensure chemical safety, promote voluntary family planning, and oversee emerging technologies, alongside adv...

Making Alzheimer's Optional: New Avenues in Prevention and Treatment

December 05, 2023 14:00 - 14 minutes - 12.9 MB

Dr. Dale Bredesen discusses groundbreaking advancements in the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Highlighting the limitations of mainstream medicine's approach to neurodegenerative conditions, he emphasizes the importance of addressing these as complex chronic illnesses, advocating for a more comprehensive, personalized approach. Dr. Bredesen underscores the significance of early intervention and the potential to significantly alter the trajectory of these diseases, fundamenta...

Maximizing Longevity through Superior Nutrition

December 04, 2023 22:30 - 8 minutes - 7.61 MB

Dr. Joel Fuhrman emphasizes the transformative power of nutritional excellence in pushing the boundaries of human longevity. He suggests that a genuinely healthful lifestyle can result in a lifespan of 95 to 107 years, and more importantly, in the maintenance of our physical and mental faculties into our later years. He advocates for a unified diet that protects against a myriad of diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and dementia. Dr. Fuhrman challenges conventional advice, urging ear...

Combatting Chronic Inflammation: A Prescription for an Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle

December 04, 2023 19:00 - 9 minutes - 9.03 MB

Discover the root causes of chronic inflammation and its link to various diseases. Dr. Sunil Pai presents a powerful message on shifting to an anti-inflammatory diet for improved health. Learn about the impact of pro-inflammatory foods and the significance of plant-based nutrition. #AntiInflammatoryDiet #HealthWellness #InflammationPrevention

The Age of Consequences: Time to Act in the Climate Crisis

December 04, 2023 14:00 - 1 hour - 56.9 MB

Rupert Read addresses the pressing need to confront and comprehend the existential challenges posed by the climate and ecological crisis. He asserts that feeling fear, grief, or anger in response to the planet's current state is not a sign of mental weakness but rather an indication of alertness to reality. Instead of succumbing to toxic positivity, he calls for embracing these emotions as drivers for meaningful action. Rupert's message is that the very crisis we face can be the source of ou...

Dr. McDougall Provides His Perspective on Ideal Blood Sugar Levels and How They’ve Changed Over Time

December 03, 2023 22:30 - 8 minutes - 7.65 MB

Dr. McDougall Provides His Perspective on Ideal Blood Sugar Levels and How They’ve Changed Over Time CLICK HERE - To Checkout Our MEMBERSHIP CLUB: • Social Media Channels Facebook: Instagram : Twitter: Linkedin: Youtube:

The Underlying Factors of Diabetes: A Deep Dive into Fats, Sugars, and Proteins

December 03, 2023 19:00 - 7 minutes - 7.05 MB

Dr. Gabriel Cousens and Brian Clement delve into the intricacies of diabetes, challenging traditional views and shedding light on the role of animal fats, sugars, and proteins. They discuss the toxicity of animal fat to beta cells, the difference between fructose and glucose in diabetes, and the risk factors associated with various foods like fish and eggs. Emphasizing a vegan diet as a preventive measure, they provide insights on a balanced approach to carbohydrates and proteins in one's di...

The Art and Science of Culinary Preparation: Chef AJ's Secrets to a Healthy Kitchen

December 03, 2023 14:00 - 17 minutes - 15.6 MB

In her talk, Chef AJ shares her journey of following a plant-exclusive diet for 46 years and emphasizes the importance of being prepared in the kitchen. She introduces audiences to practical shortcuts and techniques, such as 'Mison plus', which simplifies the cooking process. Showcasing how to make her popular marinara sauce and red lentil chili, Chef AJ demonstrates the magic of pressure cooking and offers substitutions for varying dietary needs. Her approach underscores the beauty of using...

Transforming Heart Health: A Cardiologist's Journey to Lifestyle Medicine

December 02, 2023 22:30 - 7 minutes - 6.99 MB

Dr. Steven Lome shares his compelling personal and professional journey in cardiology, highlighting the transformative power of Lifestyle Medicine. From his own health awakening to the life-changing effects of a plant-based diet, he stresses the importance of addressing the root causes of heart disease. Dive into this enlightening talk that emphasizes the potential of nutrition and lifestyle over pills and procedures. 🌱❤️💊 #HeartHealth #LifestyleMedicine #PlantBasedHealing

Connecting the Dots: The Invisible Belief System Behind Eating Animals

December 02, 2023 19:00 - 14 minutes - 13.1 MB

Dr. Melanie Joy delves into the deep-seated psychology behind the consumption of meat and our societal disconnect with the animals we consume. Raised with a deep affection for pets but simultaneously consuming animal products, she had an epiphany after a health scare. This led her to study the psychology of violence, non-violence, and particularly the ideology she coined as 'carnism' - the system that conditions us to eat certain animals. Through her research, Joy addresses the biases, justi...

Controlling Hormones through Diet: Achieving Body Balance

December 02, 2023 14:00 - 1 hour - 60.6 MB

Dr. Neal Barnard highlights the profound impact of dietary choices on our hormonal health. Going beyond the established notion of "bad food equals disease," he emphasizes the groundbreaking understanding of how our diet regulates vital hormones like insulin, estrogen, and testosterone. Using his book, "Your Body in Balance," as a reference, Dr. Barnard demonstrates that the foods we consume can either balance or imbalance our hormones, thus significantly influencing our health. He underscore...

Dietary Approach To Kidney Disease

December 01, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 62.3 MB

Dietary Approach To Kidney Disease   Join us as Dr. Sean Hashmi, an experienced nephrologist and lifestyle medicine specialist, delves deep into the dietary approach to managing kidney diseases. He provides an engaging discussion, debunking common diet myths, and highlighting the importance of a balanced, plant-based diet and the impact of lifestyle choices on kidney health. This video is a must-watch for those seeking a comprehensive understanding of kidney health from a dietary perspecti...

How Fasting Can Help You Delay Death And Avoid Disability

November 30, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 102 MB

How Fasting Can Help You Delay Death And Avoid Disability   Join Dr. Alan Goldhamer as he uncovers the powerful link between fasting and longevity in this intriguing talk ""How Fasting Can Help You Delay Death and Avoid Disability."" Discover the truth behind fasting and how it can help transform your health, promoting vitality and warding off disability. From understanding our body's natural detox system to revealing the art of breaking a fast, Dr. Goldhamer shares the science of fasting ...

Reversing Heart Disease In 2023: Plant Diet And More!

November 29, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 83.4 MB

Reversing Heart Disease In 2023: Plant Diet And More!   Join renowned cardiologist, Dr. Joel K. Kahn, as he delves into groundbreaking strategies for reversing heart disease in 2023. From the impact of a plant-based diet to the role of modern technology in heart diagnosis, Dr. Kahn explores a wide spectrum of factors influencing heart health. Learn about the hidden dangers of inflammation, the unexpected role of cholesterol, and unravel the secrets of Okinawa's legendary longevity. Make th...

Getting To The Bottom Of Long COVID

November 28, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 103 MB

Getting To The Bottom Of Long COVID   Join Dr. Pamela A. Popper as she uncovers the mystery of Long COVID, exploring its causes, impacts, and possible solutions. A renowned naturopath and nutrition expert, Dr. Popper provides in-depth analysis and vital insights to help us understand and deal with this lasting fallout from the pandemic. Tune in for a fresh, evidence-based perspective on Long COVID. #LongCOVID #DrPamelaPopper #HealthInsights   Disclaimer: Medical and Health information c...

What The Latest Science Says About Preventing Parkinson’s Disease And Dementia

November 27, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 66.2 MB

What The Latest Science Says About Preventing Parkinson’s Disease And Dementia   Discover the latest scientific findings on preventing Parkinson's disease and Dementia in this enlightening discussion with experts Dr. Steve Blake, Dr. Ray Dorsey, and Dr. Evan C. Allen. They delve into lifestyle modifications, dietary interventions, and the critical role of regular exercise. Equip yourself with the knowledge to safeguard your mental health. #ParkinsonsPrevention #DementiaResearch #brainhealt...

Ridding Your Home Of Unhealthy Chemicals, Toxins And Wireless Radiation

November 26, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 66 MB

Ridding Your Home Of Unhealthy Chemicals, Toxins And Wireless Radiation   Join Andrew Pace as he uncovers hidden hazards in your home environment, from toxins in everyday materials to the invisible threat of wireless radiation. Learn practical ways to detoxify your space and protect your family's health in this eye-opening discussion. #HealthyHome #DetoxYourSpace #WirelessRadiation   Disclaimer: Medical and Health information changes constantly. Therefore, the information provided in th...

Building Your Body On A Plant-Based Diet

November 25, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 103 MB

Building Your Body On A Plant-Based Diet   Join renowned vegan bodybuilder Robert Cheeke as he delves into the power and potential of a plant-based diet for achieving superior fitness levels. In ""Building Your Body on a Plant-Based Diet"", Robert breaks down misconceptions, shares his personal journey, and provides valuable tips for those seeking a healthier, plant-powered lifestyle. Don't miss out on his insights about protein sources, carbohydrates, muscle gain, bodybuilding, and much m...

Stop Aging Now, Seven Codes Of Health

November 24, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 96.3 MB

Stop Aging Now, Seven Codes Of Health   Discover revolutionary insights on health and longevity in ""Stop Aging Now, Seven Codes of Health,"" featuring Dr. Nick Delgado. Uncover the secrets of disease-free living, peak performance, and much more in this thought-provoking discussion. Challenge the traditional notions of aging and embrace a vibrant, dynamic life.   #HealthTransformation #DrNickDelgado #AntiAgingRevolution   Disclaimer: Medical and Health information changes constantly. ...

Plant-Based Nutrition From Birth Through The Senior Years

November 23, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 109 MB

Plant-Based Nutrition From Birth Through The Senior Years   Join us as renowned dietitian Brenda Davis, R.D., delves deep into the journey of plant-based nutrition from birth through the senior years. She sheds light on essential nutrients, debunking popular myths, and providing practical advice to meet nutritional needs at every life stage. Get ready to embark on a comprehensive guide to vegan diets and longevity! #BrendaDavis #PlantBasedNutrition #HealthyLiving   Disclaimer: Medical a...

Nutrition And Immune Function

November 22, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 103 MB

Nutrition And Immune Function   Join Dr. Pamela A. Popper, Ph.D., N.D., as she delves into the intricate connections between nutrition and immune function. With her expertise in nutritional science and naturopathy, she explores dietary patterns, debunks common health myths, and highlights the influence of lifestyle choices on well-being. Empower your health journey with this eye-opening talk. #Nutrition #ImmuneFunction #DrPamelaPopper   Disclaimer: Medical and Health information changes...

Rethinking Psychiatry: The Disease Model Of Mental Health Has Failed. Now What?

November 21, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 103 MB

Rethinking Psychiatry: The Disease Model Of Mental Health Has Failed. Now What?   Join Robert Whitaker as he critically examines the status quo of mental health treatments. Delving into the origins of modern psychiatry, he questions the effectiveness of prevalent drug therapies and sheds light on alternate approaches. Through revealing the shortcomings of the 'disease model', Whitaker offers a fresh perspective on mental health care. Don't miss this compelling discourse if you're intereste...

Preventing Heart Disease Through Diet And Lifestyle

November 20, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 67.5 MB

Preventing Heart Disease Through Diet And Lifestyle   Join Baxter D. Montgomery, M.D., as he navigates the intricate connection between diet, lifestyle, and heart health. In this enlightening talk, he shares transformative patient stories, explores the revolutionary concept of the Nutritional Spectrum, and reveals the hidden powers of a plant-based diet. Don't miss out on this vital discussion, filled with insights into preventing heart diseases through simple, everyday choices. #HeartHeal...

Nutritional Supplements, Herbal Health, And Natural Approaches To Staying Healthy

November 19, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 69.7 MB

Nutritional Supplements, Herbal Health, And Natural Approaches To Staying Healthy   Unlock the secrets to optimal health with Jane Barlow-Christensen and Michael T. Murray, N.D. as they discuss nutritional supplements, herbal health, and natural approaches to staying healthy. Discover the power of integrative medicine, the role of stress in chronic disease, gut health optimization, herbal remedies for menopause, natural weight loss strategies, and managing jet lag. Stay informed and take c...

Is Your Home Making You Homesick? How To Create A Healthy Living Environment With Healthy Home

November 18, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 105 MB

Is Your Home Making You Homesick? How To Create A Healthy Living Environment With Healthy Home   Join Healthy Home Concierge Andrew Pace as he explores the hidden health hazards in everyday household items in his talk titled ""Is Your Home Making You Homesick?"" From modern building materials to the items in your living room, discover the secrets that might be compromising your health right under your roof. Don't miss the chance to learn how you can create a healthier living environment fo...

Healing Cancer Holistically

November 17, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 103 MB

Healing Cancer Holistically   Join Chris Wark in this compelling talk as he shares his transformative journey from cancer diagnosis to holistic healing. Witness Chris's resilience, learn about his decisions to break free from conventional treatments, and adopt a plant-based lifestyle, emotional well-being, and faith for recovery. Tune in to uncover powerful insights and be inspired to take control of your healing. #ChrisWark #HolisticHealing #CancerSurvivor   Disclaimer: Medical and Hea...

Flavonoids, Nature’s Biological Response Modifiers – Understanding Classes, Sources, And Health

November 16, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 82.8 MB

Flavonoids, Nature’s Biological Response Modifiers – Understanding Classes, Sources, And Health   Join renowned naturopathic doctor Michael T. Murray as he dives deep into the fascinating world of flavonoids, nature's powerful biological response modifiers. Discover the different classes of flavonoids, their abundant sources in foods, and the remarkable health benefits they offer. From anthocyanins in berries to curcumin in turmeric, explore how these natural compounds can enhance our well...

Blood Draw And Your Immune System

November 15, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 104 MB

Blood Draw And Your Immune System   Dive into this illuminating talk with Anthony Williams, also known as the Medical Medium, as he elucidates the intricate relationship between blood draws and our immune system. Williams unravels scientific complexities with ease, making this discussion a must-watch for anyone seeking to understand their body's defenses and enhance their health. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the most respected voices in health and wellness. #AnthonyWill...

Are Your Teeth Killing You The Role Of Dental Toxicity And Chronic Inflammation Behind Dysregulation

November 14, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 103 MB

Are Your Teeth Killing You The Role Of Dental Toxicity And Chronic Inflammation Behind Dysregulation   Join Gerald P. Curatola, D.D.S., as he unravels the critical connections between dental toxicity, chronic inflammation, and serious illnesses like cancer. Delving into topics like oral microbiome, fluoride, mercury amalgams, and advanced dental diagnostics, Dr. Curatola provides valuable insights on maintaining a balanced oral health for better overall wellbeing. #OralHealth #DentalToxici...

Healthy Dentistry

November 13, 2023 11:00 - 2 hours - 128 MB

Healthy Dentistry   Discover the world of Healthy Dentistry in this insightful conversation with renowned dentists Dr. Gerald P. Curatola and Dr. Paul O'Malley. From understanding the oral microbiome to debating fluoride, they explore various aspects of oral health. They shed light on the impact of lifestyle over genetics and the revolution of prebiotics in dental care. Learn about the risks of root canals, the truth about mercury fillings, and the benefits of holistic dentistry. Join us t...

Mastering Diabetes Using A Low-Fat, Plant-Based, Whole-Food Diet

November 12, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 101 MB

Mastering Diabetes Using A Low-Fat, Plant-Based, Whole-Food Diet   Join Cyrus Khambatta, PHD, as he delves into the world of diabetes management using a low-fat, plant-based, whole-food diet. Cyrus shares insightful details about the metabolic process of insulin resistance, busts common myths, and sheds light on the real villains of diabetes. His revolutionary approach in managing diabetes through dietary changes promises to be a game-changer. Drawing from his personal journey and scientif...

Integrative Health The Future of Medicine

November 11, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 99.7 MB

Integrative Health The Future of Medicine   Join Baxter D. Montgomery, M.D., a renowned cardiologist, as he unveils the future of medicine - Integrative Health. Uncover the profound connection between our food choices and overall health, the healing power of a plant-based diet, and how a lifestyle change can reverse chronic diseases. Tune in and embrace the transformative journey towards a healthier life with Dr. Montgomery. #IntegrativeHealth #PlantBasedDiet #HealthyLifestyle   Disclaim...

The Forgotten Medicine: Lifestyle How Lifestyle Impacts Our Genes.

November 10, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 103 MB

The Forgotten Medicine: Lifestyle How Lifestyle Impacts Our Genes.   Discover the profound impact of lifestyle choices on our genetic makeup with Dr. Jyothi Rao in this thought-provoking discussion. Unearth the forgotten medicine of lifestyle and delve into its influence on aging, disease, and overall well-being. Prepare to reframe your view of health and longevity as you embark on this insightful journey with Dr. Rao. #LifestyleMedicine #GeneticHealth #DrJyothiRao   Disclaimer: Medical...

30 Lifechanging Science-Based Nutrition And Medical Discoveries

November 09, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 104 MB

30 Lifechanging Science-Based Nutrition And Medical Discoveries   Join Brian Clement, Ph.D., L.N., as he unveils 30 groundbreaking, science-backed discoveries in the realm of nutrition and medicine. In this informative and enlightening talk, Dr. Clement shares insights on brain health, nutrition, mindfulness, detoxification, and more. From the importance of sleep to the power of a purposeful life, learn about the various factors that can enhance your health and transform your life. Don't m...

Disease Prevention Through Diet And Lifestyle

November 08, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 70.9 MB

Disease Prevention Through Diet And Lifestyle   Dive into an enlightening discussion with Jyothi Rao, M.D., Joshua Helman, M.D., and Gordon Saxe, M.D. as they uncover the profound impact of diet and lifestyle on disease prevention. Explore fascinating topics such as fasting, heavy metal toxicity, Vitamin D, AI in healthcare, and the intricacies of bone health. Embrace a healthier life with the guidance of these expert insights.  #HealthThroughDiet #DiseasePrevention #lifestylemedicine   ...

Protecting Yourself From Wireless Radiation

November 07, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 73.3 MB

Protecting Yourself From Wireless Radiation   Discover the critical insights shared by Theodora Scarato on protecting yourself from wireless radiation. Gain a deep understanding of the risks associated with wireless technologies, the impact on human health, and the urgent need for precautionary measures. Join the movement to demand accountability, create safer environments, and safeguard our future.    #WirelessRadiation #HealthAwareness #ProtectYourself   Disclaimer: Medical and Heal...

How Animal Exploitation Affects Everyone And Everything

November 06, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 96.3 MB

How Animal Exploitation Affects Everyone And Everything   In this enlightening talk, educator and animal rights activist Brittany Michelson takes us through the multifaceted impact of animal exploitation on society and the planet. From personal revelations to global implications, she provides a captivating insight into a topic that affects us all. Join us on this journey and be inspired by Brittany's passion for change.    #animalrights#BrittanyMichelson #ChangeForGood   Disclaimer: M...

What Are Sprouts And Why You Should Care?

November 05, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 75.9 MB

What Are Sprouts And Why You Should Care?   Join Doug Evans, a renowned health enthusiast and sprouting expert, as he unravels the profound health benefits of sprouts in this in-depth conversation titled "What are sprouts and why you should care?". Embark on a journey of understanding how these tiny powerhouses of nutrition can transform your diet and your life. Dive deep into the sprouting process and get the answers to the most asked questions around this miraculous food!   #Sprouting ...

N Of 1: One Man’s Harvard-Documented Remission Of Incurable Cancer Using Only Natural Methods

November 04, 2023 10:00 - 1 hour - 81.3 MB

N Of 1: One Man’s Harvard-Documented Remission Of Incurable Cancer Using Only Natural Methods   Join Glenn Sabin in ""n of 1: One Man’s Harvard-Documented Remission of Incurable Cancer Using Only Natural Methods,"" as he shares his astonishing journey of cancer remission. Listen to his inspiring tale of defeating cancer by leveraging holistic health practices and natural methods, transforming the landscape of oncology. Learn from his insights and the innovative approaches in cancer care th...

Be Your Own Shaman – Utilizing Mother Nature’s Most Healing Plants.

November 03, 2023 10:00 - 1 hour - 104 MB

Be Your Own Shaman – Utilizing Mother Nature’s Most Healing Plants.   Embark on a transformative journey with renowned wellness expert, Jane Barlow-Christensen, in this insightful video titled, ""Be Your Own Shaman – Utilizing Mother Nature’s Most Healing Plants."" Discover the untapped potential of natural remedies and learn how to harness the power of Mother Nature for optimal health and wellbeing. Find out how you can become your own healer and elevate your wellness journey.   #Natura...

Why Popular Breathing Techniques Could Be Doing More Harm Than Good

November 02, 2023 10:00 - 1 hour - 104 MB

Why Popular Breathing Techniques Could Be Doing More Harm Than Good   Join Patrick McKeown, a world-renowned expert in the Buteyko Method, as he challenges popular misconceptions about deep and heavy breathing. In this eye-opening talk, he uncovers the surprising harm these techniques could cause and offers alternatives for healthier and more effective breath control. Don't miss this deep dive into the true science of breathing.   #ButeykoMethod #BreathingTechniques #HealthAndWellness  ...

Diets Impact On Climate Change And Natural Resources

November 01, 2023 10:00 - 1 hour - 66.9 MB

Diets Impact On Climate Change And Natural Resources   Join Ocean Robbins, Gerard Bisshop, and Glen Merzer as they delve into a crucial discussion about the significant impact of our diets on climate change and natural resources. This enlightening conversation examines how our food choices directly influence environmental sustainability, biodiversity, and health. Get insights into how a shift towards plant-based diets could significantly alleviate the environmental burdens we face today. D...

The Optimal Diet And Lifestyle For Active People Or Athletes

October 31, 2023 10:00 - 1 hour - 65 MB

The Optimal Diet And Lifestyle For Active People Or Athletes   Join Derek Tresize, Robert Cheeke, and Juliana Hever, M.S., R.D., C.P.T., as they delve into the essentials of an optimal diet and lifestyle for active individuals and athletes. This enlightening discussion explores the advantages of plant-based nutrition, protein requirements, children's nutrition, crucial vitamin supplementation, and regular health monitoring. Stay tuned to uncover the secret behind attaining peak physical pe...

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