The holidays can be a lot of fun, BUT for overachievers and athletes the holidays can be very stressful! Overcommitting, family time, consuming alcohol/sugar, having unrealistic expectations of ourselves and others, disruption to routine…lots of opportunities for stress to creep in!

Join me this week for EPISODE 50: Meditation for Holiday Stress. Don’t be like crazy eyed Clark trying to force holiday cheer 🤯

Find a few minutes to sneak away and melt your stress away so you can ACTUALLY feel the holiday cheer vs just feeling holiday stress.


🎄Understanding where your body holds stress

🎄Releasing frustration, stress, guilt, unrealistic expectations

🎄Giving yourself permission to rest

🎄Being more at peace with setting boundaries

🎄Connecting with the emotions you want to feel instead of stress

Sending you ALL the good holiday vibes this week! Take alone time as often as you need to refill your self care cup. ☕️

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Happy listening & We'll catch you on the next episode! 🎧 

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