We know that as athletes when our confidence is lacking--we can't perform! When we struggle with our confidence, it trickles into our overall mental health and impacts our mental, emotional and physical performance. 🧠

So what can we ACTUALLY do to improve our confidence in our sport and in our life?

In this episode I discuss:

*How mantras can help improve our self-talk and overall confidence
*Why visualization is an amazing tool to improve confidence
*How understanding fear and learning to work WITH it can help transform our relationship with ourselves 🌿
*What imagined fear is and how it slows us down

Are your ready to start connecting with the higher version of yourself? ✨

Want some more actionable mental performance tips?
Follow us on IG & FB @readysetmindful

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Happy listening & We'll see you on the next episode! 🎧

If you are an athlete, high performer or weekend warrior who is looking for tips on how to up-level your mental performance then :

Sign up for a FREE Weekend Warrior Podcast Coaching Session: https://www.readysetmindful.com/weekend-warrior-podcast-signup

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