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Stack your habits-Blog post
One of the biggest barrier when it comes to health and wellness is that there isn't enough time to exercise and make healthy meals.  It's to difficult to make healthy breakfast and dinners with all the running around.

Habit Stacking from the book Atomic Habits by James Clear is about using a habit that you already do every day and anchor a new habit with it. 

Try some of the ideas rather than trying to do all of them. 
-Calf stretch while brushing teeth
-Abs in the kitchen
-Squats while brewing coffee
-Dance in the kitchen

Working moms can practice the Pomodoro Technique and work for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break to walk around and do some exercises and stretches at your desk. 

For your actionable step: practice doing the calf stretch in the morning and evening while brushing your teeth.

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You will have access to all 3 programs (Fit Feet, Posture Fix, and Core Connection) while also getting access to recipes, workouts, and more. 

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