We all want what’s best for our children and many of us are willing to give up most everything for them; yet you might be doing both you and your children a disservice while doing so.  It’s time to realize that if you want to raise healthy humans, you have got to start with yourself.

 -not aesthetically but how you are feeling mentally and physically-all mirrors set aside

-how do you feel in your own body, in your soul  (good, important, content, what word are you conjuring up about yourself right now).  What words are you speaking aloud about yourself?  Or to others?  Are you providing nourishing words for growth and expansion?  (think about compliments)

-Negative words (than you need to take more time for yourself)

-How do you feel physically, when you move do you feel pain, are you achy, stiff, tired?  All of these can be seen and felt from others and these are making imprints on our children.  So be aware of how you are moving and again if the words that came to mind are more negative than that is something you need to work on.


Depending on the age of your children you may not see it now but they are watching and learning from us.  Some of the littlest things you are doing right now to encourage your children to live healthier lives may show up years from now but know that they are watching.  


I hope you enjoyed our first podcast.  I understand that you are here because you want to make a difference in your families life and I promise you I will providing you with some great tips over the coming episodes but I really wanted to stress the importance of how it truly all begins with you taking care of yourself.  And with that, I also want to provide you with an actionable and doable tip each week that relates to this podcast that you are able to practice throughout the week, so this week let’s focus on how we feel in our body, mentally and physically; because awareness is the first step to lead us to making positive changes.    And I would love for you to share with me some of the words that came to mind when you think about this.  

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Form Fit Mom or over on 

Instagram at raising_healthyhumans.  

You can also find us by going to www.raisinghealthyhumans.com