Episode 3: The Importance of Exercise

I am a big proponent of moving every single day and I do feel that movement is just as important as exercise.  

Exercise has gotten a bad wrap over the years

Starting a shift from weight loss to getting stronger which is a great thing as fitness has so many more benefits than weight loss but this go hard go home mentality, or leave it all on the gym floor is causing a lot of exhaustion, adrenal fatigue, and injuries.

Different programs compared to different diet camps. Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian along with Yoga, Stretch, Strengthen.

Take a step back and you will notice a trend with each of them; diets all have more vegetables, protein and fats and with the fitness industry moving your body through different ranges of motion, your speed, and resistance.

First and foremost do what you enjoy and then find ways to do the others in the snippets of the day.  So for those that like cardio, you might want to add some 5 min strength workouts for fun at a time in the day that works for you.  So not a second full workout, but just something quick.  I do have many 5 minute videos over on my YouTube page if you are interested.

 Actionable step this week is to change it up.  If you are new to fitness than email me at [email protected] and I will send you a 5 minute beginner workout.  If you are into cardio, than I want you to find a strengthening workout to do.  If you are into strengthening and don’t usually do any cardio, than I want you to 


Form Fit Mom Community and let me know what you chose to do today.

Let me know what questions you have for my kids over at [email protected], IG @courtney_formfit or @raising_healthyhumans or through FB at Form Fit or Form Fit Mom Community


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