“The space between”—is a perfect representation of where we find ourselves today. The space between free and house-bound, safe and in peril, grateful and resentful. Many of us are figuring out how to live in this state of limbo as we wait to find out when life will return to some semblance of “normal”, if that is even possible or desirable. From living through the vast ramifications of COVID-19, we also might find our emotions and thoughts bouncing to and from the extremes more freely, showing us greater fluctuation more so than in pre-pandemic times. These are not normal times. This is a colossal understatement. Our world has been upended and the finish line is only discussed in hypotheticals. I found myself in that downward spiral because I failed to situate what I was doing, or not doing, in the extreme present circumstances of COVID-19. When I remind myself that I am working while living during a pandemic, I also have decided to remind myself to reframe how I evaluate my progress. I am trying to value what I have been able to do—my podcast, connect with guest speakers, have lunch with my family, connect with friends through Zoom—and believe I have something to be proud of. I try to compare myself less to others and to my abilities before COVID-19. “Try” is the operative word. Tune in now and get into the process of self-reflection. Why? Well, why not?
Book yourself a breakthrough session with Raina Jain: https://calendly.com/rainajain1102/15min


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