Helloo guys! How have you’ll been? What’s happening? How’s the week coming along? You are not listening to the 97th episode on THP podcast. I am just overwhelmed thinking of how close I am going to complete about a 100 episodes very soon. I have been occupied this week with the workshops for the course that I am studying off lately. It’s called the ABT course and ahh – it’s incredibly amazing! I love how this course is helping me unfold and uncover so much about living a conscious life. And as and how time goes by, I will definitely share some wonderful stuff with you’ll. Well, I am sharing the highlights of my conversation with Kevin Monroe and the amazing concept of making every moment extra-ordinary. He also holds these amazing webinars on Gratitude almost every month and it’s a sheer joy to be a part of it! Whether gratitude journaling is working for you or not, we can all take our gratitude practice one step further by moving from the page to the real world. By embracing gratitude as a verb we advance from recognizing gratitude to practicing gratitude.
You may have a completely different version of extraordinary, and that’s what’s so perfect. How to live an extraordinary life entirely up to you—it’s your life, after all. The action itself isn’t as important as the intent behind it. As long as your intent is to make something in your world just a little better, to learn something just a little deeper, to try something you’re just a little curious about, it’s foolproof. You could institute pizza Saturdays or travel the world, saving endangered species. Both are extraordinary.
I remember when someone would mention the words "extraordinary life," the entire thought seemed only for the rich and famous. The idea seemed unreachable and only pertained to the lucky few. My self-talk would be jabbering in my mind saying "as if that's ever going to happen to someone like me." What I didn't understand was that the greatest obstacle I had to overcome wasn't to suddenly win the lottery, but to actually start showing up to live my life with just a little bit of extra. The next time you find yourself feeling stuck in an ordinary life; try out at least one of these simple steps to put into place. Just that tiny bit of "extra" goes a long way and before you know it, you'll be expanding your world and inspiring not only yourself, but those around you to do the same. Extraordinary living is contagious....pass it on.Listen to the entire episode here - https://open.spotify.com/episode/0Ci4WqZs4oFoGL8vEAqtBw?si=_e0hDY0kTUWXZU71NJzIeQ&dl_branch=1


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