I am awestruck with the relationship journey of my guest speakers today. It has been such a joy having these lovely ladies on my show sharing an incredible conversation with me.
Jennifer and Stephanie are Quantum Relationship Coaches who work with the LGBTQ+ community.  Their mission is to bring more love to the world, one relationship at a time.  They focus on creating holy relationships through teaching self-love, boundaries and communication.  They have been married for a year and have been through the wringer in their relationship: They met, disability occurred, they broke up, found their Authentic Self based on their Spiritual Path and then found their way back to a solid, healthy, loving relationship.   They have identified the major components that go wrong in relationships and have developed tools to help people learn the ways to have true intimacy and build rock-solid relationships.
Jennifer’s experience included 2 degrees in psychology and is currently working towards her PhD in Metaphysical Holistic Counseling.  Stephanie has a master’s degree in social work and has been working as a therapist for many years.  They both love to talk with people, hear their stories and help them find their Authentic Self and guide them to the Life of their Dreams!
They have an amazing fairytale story that they love to share and bring hope to all those struggling with their relationships in life.
In this episode, Jennifer and Stephanie takes us through their 12 year long journey of being in and out of relationship with each other. It’s wonderful how they connect with each other only because they are now so much more in touch with themselves. Their work revolves around quantum relationship coaching – where they ask people to work hard and dig deeply into their life and relationship patterns and begin to change these by teaching them the skills to be in their Authentic Self, understand their boundaries, and how to communicate what they need to in ways that foster joining and loving connection rather than conflict. We also discuss about the stigma surrounding the queer community and how it impact their lives, their struggles of coming out, and how they are in this process of changing the world. They also share their idea of happiness and how spirituality has been a major component of their lives. To find out more about Stephanie and Jennifer - https://enchantedawakenings.love/our-story/


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