Well, I can’t believe this is the last episode of my chat with Phil and it’s now coming to an end! Ah, the last four weeks were incredible – full of learning, conceptualizing, understanding and implementing. There’s so much that we spoke about in detail and just in case you’ve missed out on any episode – do tune in to all the other episodes to get a deeper understanding of ‘The Shift’.
Also, I hope you guys are doing well, staying safe, keeping yourselves hydrated and most importantly – taking care of yourself (both physically and mentally).
In this episode, particularly, Phil and I talk about Spiritual Surrender and the importance of Letting Go! When most people hear the word surrender, they think of something negative: giving up, losing, being humiliated, or allowing yourself to be controlled or perhaps even imprisoned. However, when used in a spiritual context, surrender also means to give up but here it’s to give up everything that no longer serves you. Spiritual surrender is to stop struggling against “what is”, let go of the smallness of life, and fully embrace its totality.
Surrender isn't about withdrawing from life, nor is it about surrendering your power to make choices and take action to change and improve your present situation. It is about letting go of the things ‌outside of your control. Accepting the present moment circumstances and harmonizing in the present. To do this it is essential to identify where you have the power and ability to change your life and what is out of your control. When you can't change something, accept what is, surrender the outcome over to the Divine, and trust that some hidden blessings and silver linings will appear‌.
Phil also talks about Letting go.. Letting go relates to clearing out and changing lower vibrational patterns holding you back. Ask yourself, are you still habitually doing things or holding onto addictions you know aren't serving you? This may clear so many doubts for you! In fact, in the entire process of ‘Shift’ he also talks about the importance of Meditation and Awareness and how if you need to shift your life for better – you need to make it a habit and do things intentionally! Well, tune into the entire episode till the very end and find out for yourself – the process of surrendering and letting go!
To know more about Phil Lee - (Helping Technology Salespeople Find and Close Bigger Deals in Less Time Even During an Economic Downturn): CLIENT TESTIMONIAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1bKZ9UMMfk&t=9s Website: www.phillee.com.au | Email: [email protected] LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/sales-trainer-coach-sydney


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