I wanted to quickly share some amazing news with ya’ll .. My podcast ‘The Happiness Project’ is now being heard in more than 100 countries. I feel immensely grateful for this platform and for being able to connect with you all and contribute my share of experiences, expertise and interviews. And of course, all of this wouldn’t have been possible without the support that I have received from you guys week after week!! Well, yes this is hard to accept and kinda believe – but I am also proud of myself for being consistent and continuously collaborating and networking with people from across the globe to bring the best possible content for you guys!!
So well if there’s something that I want to share today it's this – 'Follow your passion. Follow that inner voice and let it guide you. Show up – even on those days when you feel the most uncomfortable – because you’ll realise how showing up makes so much of difference. Put yourself out there – and you’d be surprised to see how much the world needs you. And most importantly - just walk your journey. You may not be able to make sense of everything right now but just know that when you’re functioning from a space of purpose and passion and continuous effort to make a difference and be an unstoppable force of good – life will only start happening in that direction! And then, nothing.. I mean nothing can stop you from experiencing your life to the fullest on a daily basis'
So now moving on to our second episode of this series with Phil Lee – This episode is in continuation with our previous episode where Phil introduced to the concept of ‘The Shift’. He also took us through his life journey of challenging childhood circumstances that led Phil to a traditional personal growth journey in mid 20’s to late 50’s. At the age of 60, Phil went through a personal crises that directed him to a spiritual path. He also talks about what’s wrong with goal setting and the traditional notions of success and achievement and why we’re all taught to look in the wrong places. As and how the conversation moved forward, Phil discussed about the shift principle which involves a realisation that it’s our management of our own inner world, rather than the outer world that ultimately determines our state of being.
In fact, in continuation to our previous episode, in this episode – we take a deeper look at the shift, from what is true freedom and happiness. He talks about how we can be present and ‘in this moment’ to experience life to the fullest. He talks about how there’s so much of energy blocked within us that it doesn’t allow us to look beyond that. And how awareness is a source of spiritual freedom. One of the most interesting things that he talks about is ‘the death of our ego and spiritual surrender’ and how that typically happens only when we experience a personally challenging situation. He says, true freedom is freedom from yourself, it’s not needing all that stuff (a nice house, a wonderful marriage, an expensive car). It’s freedom from your conditioned mind. He also touch bases upon some interesting concepts – that nothing is coincidental. That we come from the stars. We come from the big bang. This moment has been orchestrated from the past 13.8 billion years – ‘where Phil reached out to me and everything just felt right and connected’. He says, yes, we were involved but we are all part of this cosmic world. There are things that are happening that are beyond our imagination.
Well, this conversation just keeps getting interesting. So tune into the entire episode and find out so much more about this conversation in detail.
To know more about Phil Lee - (Helping Technology Salespeople Find and Close Bigger Deals in Less Time Even During an Economic Downturn): CLIENT TESTIMONIAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1bKZ9UMMfk&t=9s Website: www.phillee.com.au | Email: [email protected] LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/sales-trainer-coach-sydney


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