This episode covers topics around maintaining Mental and Emotional Well-being under the Summer Wellness series for this month. There are so many activities that we can incorporate into our daily lives to maintain a healthy balance between our mind, body and soul. It becomes important to understand that 'who we are' has multiple meanings. These traits—which are all actually skills we can practice and develop—are all part of mental wellbeing: For example, self-acceptance, sense of self as part of something greater, sense of self as independent rather than dependent on others for identity or happiness, knowing and using our unique character strengths, accurate perception of reality, knowing that we can’t mind-read and that our thoughts aren’t always true, desire for continued growth, thriving in the face of adversity (emotional resilience), having and pursuing interests, knowing and remaining true to values, optimism (hope—the mindset that things can improve), happiness that comes from within rather than being dependent on external conditions, determination, action (in contrast to a passive mindset and lifestyle, waiting for things to get better).

People who develop and experience wellbeing also have what psychological researcher, Angela Duckworth, calls grit. Grit is comprised of passions and perseverance and means showing up for life. It’s a never-give-up attitude. Grit doesn’t mean never failing, for failure is part of success and life itself. Grit means getting back up when you fall. Together, all of this defines mental wellbeing. It’s purposely moving ever forward with determination and direction. One of the most important things to do on a monthly basis is ‘Ask Yourself Some Important Questions’
It’s about taking some time out and reflecting on where you are in life and what you want to focus on and release. Ask yourself:

What’s working in my life, and what’s not? What could be improved? Are there any relationships in my life that are not offering me value or joy? What is one bad habit that I feel ready to break? Are there any activities, events, routines, or tasks in my life that are not worthy of my time and attention?
What’s the biggest mistake I’ve made this year so far, and what did I learn from it? What do I really want? What obstacle(s) is in my way of achieving this goal?

As you go through these questions, consider any roadblocks that are keeping you from being where you want to be. Don’t be afraid to be honest with yourself in identifying where those roadblocks are coming from — whether externally or within your own state of mind. To know more about my work (Raina Jain) – Psychologist, Happiness Coach and a Podcaster   
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] 
Instagram: happiness_project1102


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