Amazing things happen inside of our brains when we play. As Dr. Stuart Brown wrote, play is “a profound biological process. It has evolved over eons in many animal species to promote survival. It shapes the brain and makes animals smarter and more adaptable. In higher animals, it fosters empathy and makes possible complex social groups. For us, play lies at the core of creativity and innovation.” It’s not easy to define play, but in this episode, you’ll hear Dr. Brown’s definition as well as stories of lives that were changed by taking up true play again as adults.

In this episode you’ll hear:

Why I think a podcast on play belongs in the health & wellness as well as business productivity categories Stories of how play transforms different types of people in different ways An introduction to the work of Dr. Stuart Brown Get his book, Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul  Watch his TED Talk: Play is More Than Just Fun Check out his National Institute for Play