The US Play Coalition believes that everyone in the world should have equal access to all forms of play. Play is a basic need that provides the foundation for all areas of development. It’s an essential part of being human that helps us reach our full potential. But that’s still not a very mainstream view. Play is just beginning to move beyond the perception that it’s a fluffy “nice to have.” That’s why play needs a voice. One of them is the US Play Coalition. 

The US Play Coalition is a collection of many voices - it's a deep well of knowledge around the subject of play. On their website, you can find research, publications, events and educational resources. They hold an annual conference in April. This year the theme is “The Value of Play: Where Design Meets Play.”

I’m honored to have recently become a Play Ambassador for them and that happened when I met Ryan Fahey. Ryan’s role at the US Play Coalition includes connecting with play ambassadors (which now includes me!), engaging them within the play ambassador network and promoting the US Play Coalition annual conference through social media. He also co-created #WePlayChat with the US Play Coalition, a professional learning opportunity which connects play advocates from across the globe to share a voice for the value of play on twitter. 

Ryan is a firm believer in wellness and play being key aspects of a happy, healthy life. His passions include running, weight lifting and playing badminton. He believes that wellness is not a destination, rather it is a journey navigated daily through intentional actions which take you from a good life, to your best life! 

Show Links:

Visit the US Play Coalition Website Dr. Stuart Brown's TED talk, Play is More Than Just Fun Conference registration – early bird through February 15, 2017 Follow Ryan Fahey on Twitter and join the monthly #WePlayChat 


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