Have you ever wondered, why do I feel the way I do?  Why am I always so tired, so angry, so resentful?  Why do I feel guilty about everything?  Why can’t I just be more confident and have better self-esteem?  Why are my relationships so toxic?  Why do I struggle to get anything done?  Why do I never just feel good enough?

Codependency is based in and LOVES fear.   Along with that fear comes a lack of self love.  The feelings that come along with codependency can become addictive-YES we actually can become addicted to feeling the constant states of overwhelm, resentment, anxiety and lack.  Our cells literally get used to feeling this lack of self love.

When we feel this emotion, there’s a cellular change in the body. Neurotransmitters are released and the physiology of the body shifts. As our physiology shifts, the neural pathways in the brain fire and wire in response.  Feeling and reacting habitually strengthens neural pathways which will make us subconsciously seek the same emotion. So our body becomes dependent on our own chemical responses.  Yes even if the emotion makes us miserable, the rush of neurotransmitters are a reward.

In this episode I dive deep into bridging the gap between codependency and emotional addiction and provide 6 ways to help you feel from the same old miserable emotions that keep you stuck with the same old results.  

Listen to Learn:

What codependency is
The connection between codependency and emotional addiction
What emotional addiction actually is
Why you might be engaging in the same patterns and habits that get you the same results
Why you feel stuck
How codependent patterns and behaviors can look like in our life
6 tools to help you overcome emotional addiction

"Few people understand the chemical cocktail of human emotion." ~Krista Resnick

Codependency loves fear and when we get scared, the rational thinking part of the brain, becomes overwhelmed and shuts down." ~Krista Resnick

"Codependency is this form of addiction because your cells literally get used to feeling a lack of self love." ~Krista Resnick  

"With emotional addiction we are living and breathing the emotional experience so closely it literally is beyond our scope of awareness-we don't even recognize we are addicted." ~Krista Resnick

"In order to break emotional addiction you have to become conscious to your own patterns-patterns that look like perfectionism, people pleasing, self censoring, overthinking and overworking." ~Krista Resnick