I love all things emotions but it wasn't always that way.  I used to be so cut off from feeling my feelings and anger was especially hard for me access.  I deemed it wrong, hurtful, extreme and ugly.  Today, I love anger because I understand that this powerful emotion is simply feedback.  It is information that I can use and work through to process pain, shame, or a boundary violation.  

Emotions can feel so uncomfortable because of how they modeled for us or because we simply don't know how to sit with the discomfort of our emotions. These simply aren't things we are taught as children.  Our guest today, Dr. Christian Conte, is one of the world's leading experts on emotions and anger management.  Dr. Conte has worked with some of the world's most violent criminals, MMA fighters as well as top athletes and some of the toughest people in maximum security prisons to help them integrate  their emotions, specifically their anger.  

In this episode Dr. Conte walks us through a bit of his work called "Yield Theory" and helps us learn how to manage our emotions (as well as explaining what it even means to manage your emotions).  


The skill one must master in order to really build amazing relationships with others.
How to begin moving away from judgment and become more accepting of others.
How to manage your emotions.  
The number one tool you can use today to start de-escalating YOURSELf and others.
The two key pieces you need to implement when it comes to listening
What empathy actually is and why it matters so much in our relationships.
How to begin feeling our anger if we are terrified of it.
What to do if you are really stuck in an emotion.

Anger can be healthy or unhealthy.  We all feel it, we all experience it.  But one thing is certain-we cannot simply allow it to run rampant in our lives and it is dangerous to suppress it on the other extreme.  So how do we work with our anger?  Listen to this episode with Dr. Conte to find out.

“There are two kinds of people in the world.  People with issues and dead people.” Dr. Christian Conte

“I saw a need for people to master their emotions.”  Dr. Christian Conte

“Knowing a concept doesn’t mean you're working on a concept.”  Dr. Christian Conte

“People see your actions, NOT your intentions.” Christian Conte

“We minimize the pain we cause others and we amplify the pain they cause us.”  Dr. Christian Conte

“Be accurate in your language.” Dr. Christian Conte

“At some point you have to sit in the discomfort and understand that others are stuck in their own stuff and it doesn’t have to mean anything about you. “ Krista Resnick


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