Do you struggle to make a decision?  Are you terrified that you are going to choose the wrong thing or upset someone if they don't agree with your choice?

Do you live life by an opinion poll, always collecting and taking note of what other people need and want?

Oh man do I know this pattern WELL.  One of the ways codependency manifested for me was my inability to trust myself.  As annoying as it was, for me and for everyone around me, I couldn’t seem to stand firm in my decisions.  I longed to be more confident and stand firm in my decisions, but couldn’t understand why it was so hard for me.

Does that resonate with you too?

If so, this episode provides you with  3 ways to begin to trust yourself.  

Listen to Learn:

Where codependency begins
Why making decisions might be so hard for you
Why codependency isn't your fault
How to reparent yourself and what reparenting actually is
How to show yourself a bit of self love on the daily
How to get to know yourself

"One of the best ways to begin to build self trust and heal from codependency is to begin feeling your feelings once again."~Krista Resnick

"When you’re reliant on other people’s opinions and guidance, you’re much like a feather in the wind-susceptible to any small or big gust that comes along.  You aren’t in control of your life and you give others way too much power over how you feel." ~Krista Resnick

"Feelings and emotions were not welcome in my world, so my only way through was to disconnect from feeling at all." ~Krista Resnick

"If you experienced any amount of neglect, or had emotionally unavailable parents you may have learned to suppress your feelings in order to survive." ~Krista Resnick


Coming Home to You Workshop