Episode 23  

C-PTSD and Perseverance

Keep on Truckin’

April 15, 2021

Today’s focus is perseverance, something I believe many of you will relate to. I bring this up this week because the road has been a bit difficult to traverse over the past few weeks. I believe I am coming out the other side of darkness, thanks to my persistent perseverance. I am sure you have done your fair share of persevering which will make today’s episode of Out of My Mind in Costa Rica particularly interesting. Come on in. Give it a listen.

Here are a few websites that may or may not be aligned with today’s topic, but you will find they all have really good information for you regardless of where you sit in your recovery. 

Everyone knows the story of Sisyphus, but do they? Here’s a short video that will familiarize yourself with this Greek deceiver of the Gods.

Sisyphus: The Man Who Deceived the Gods - Greek Mythology Stories - See U in History - Bing video

This a one of the most influential books I have ever read. When you heal the shame that binds you, you heal yourself for life.

Healing the Shame that Binds You by John Bradshaw (goodreads.com)

Here’s a fantastic article. Be ready for a big read. There is lots of information here that may need to be absorbed bit-by-bit. Thank you Eggshell Therapy and Coaching for your work.

Toxic Family Dynamics and Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) | Eggshell Therapy and Coaching

Here is one woman’s journey to healing her Complex Post-Traumatic Stress. Her story is a good jumping off place for those of you seeking alternative healing practices. She achieves remarkable results.

Complex PTSD: How I'm Recovering My Ability to Self-Regulate (recovery.org)