Episode 32

C-PTSD and Letting Go

Release and Find Peace

August 27, 2021

Today’s episode I am talking about letting it go. Everyone says this, but what the heck does it actually entail? How does one let go of experiences that have been buried to the bone? Well, I take a stab at this topic today, and I hope you will find it engaging and moves you to let go. Even if a little bit. A little bit is better than not at all. Poco a poco. Una cosa por vez.

As usual I have discovered some wonderful websites and people who are doing amazing thing in the world of healing from PTSD and Complex PTSD. I hope you find them helpful.

Dr. Schwartz help people to understand that nature of barriers to healing from Complex-PTSD. This article highlights the ways we struggle when adapting to a new, healing way of being.

Overcoming Barriers in Complex PTSD | Dr. Arielle Schwartz (drarielleschwartz.com)

David Hosier BSc Hons; MSc; PGDE(FAHE) gets to the point on what keeps us stuck in our pain.

Can't Let Go Of Childhood Trauma? Here's Possible Reasons Why (childhoodtraumarecovery.com)

K.J., through her own story, helps you understand what Letting Go is and how to do it.

Letting Go of the Past When You Have PTSD | The Mighty

Here’s a YouTube video by Healthy Place that hits the nail on the head when it comes to letting go.

PTSD and Forgiving Yourself, Letting Go of Self-Blame | HealthyPlace - Bing video