Today I want to talk about one simple thing that you can do to triple your business. We’re constantly inundated with new tools, marketing products, and other shiny objects that guarantee to take your business to the next level. I’m not going to talk about those things today. 

As a matter of fact, I want to talk about a free tool that you already have in your possession. I’m talking about your database. You probably have a database full of people, from friends and family members to past clients, that simply gets ignored unless they reach out to you.

It’s important to stay in front of these people, but it can feel like you don’t have any time at all to do it. Instead of chasing shiny objects with your time, I recommend staying in touch with that database. Those people are not only potential business sources themselves, but they are also a huge, untapped referral source.

Having a strategy for consistently staying in touch with these people is very important. You want to let them know that you’re in the business and you want to stay top of mind when it comes time for them to buy or sell a home.

“Our agents truly reap the benefits of staying in touch with their databases.”

The Nickley Group uses a 100-touch program in order to stay in touch with our past clients. It might sound a little crazy to be reaching out 100 times over the year, but it makes sure we stay in front of these people at all times. The touchers are a combination of postcards, market snapshot emails, contests, client events, and much more.

You don’t need a 100-touch program to succeed in getting more business from your database. Any consistent follow-up process that keeps you in constant communication will do the job. Here are a few additional ways to get business out of your database:

1. Simply ask for a referral. The people in your database already know, like, and trust you, and most of them would be happy to refer you if simply prompted to do so. The average person lives in 11 different homes from the time they turn 18 until they die. That means the average person moves every 4.2 years. Looking at those numbers, it’s clear that the people in your database know somebody who is thinking about buying or selling a home right now. 

How do you get these referrals? It’s simple. Constant communication. Stay in touch with this group of people through email, social media, postcards, etc., and ask them this simple question: “Who can you introduce me to who is thinking about buying or selling real estate that I can help?” By constantly asking this question, you will be shocked at how often your database will produce leads for you.

2. Use social media to connect. Social media is such an awesome way to essentially stay in touch with your database passively. By posting about the real estate market, giving tips, and showing success stories, you’ll show your database that you’re a professional, knowledgeable real estate professional. It’s a great way to supplement the texts, phone calls, and emails that you’re already making. If you post on social media three to five times a week, you’ll be shocked at how well it works.

Our agents absolutely reap the benefits of staying in touch with their past clients. Almost 40% of our team’s business comes from our sphere of influence and past client deals.

If you’re ready to step up your game and add some more strategies to your past client and referral business, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.