How can you make every listing appointment a resounding success? Follow these seven steps which our own team uses to sell over 300 homes a year: 

1. Establish authority. From the very first phone call, you must establish yourself as the market expert. You have to know your market, know your stats, be an authority, and come from a place of confidence. Without these things, there’s no way you’ll be able to set the appointment off on the right foot. 

2. Pre-sell your clients. Before you attend a listing appointment, it’s a great idea to sell your clients in advance. Send out an email in advance that explains what to expect of you—your stats, marketing plan, history, etc. Our team sends out all of our pre-marketing materials to potential clients before we meet with them. Before we even walk in the door, we take care to set ourselves up on a pedestal and present ourselves as professionals. 

3. Build a rapport. You have to build a rapport with a client if you expect them to trust you and pick you as the person to sell their home. One of the easiest ways to do this is through finding commonalities, building a connection, and taking the time to get to know them on a personal level so you can build that trust up front.

“By following these steps, you’ll establish yourself as an authority with every client you meet.”

4. Establish expertise. Go through the marketing steps, what the competition is, and have your comps in line. Know your statistics, know your market, know their home, and come from a place of professionalism. 

5. Have a killer listing presentation. One of the easiest ways to do this is by putting together a PowerPoint presentation. If you can’t put one together on your own, we’d be happy to help you and share our material with you. There are other systems you can use, but creating a PowerPoint presentation will help you stay on task and deliver a consistent presentation every single time. 

6. Have the paperwork ready. Leave the terms blank, but have everything else filled out and ready. This way when you finish your presentation, you’ll be able to open up your folder and have them sign on the dotted line. Going into an appointment without your paperwork ready is very unprofessional, and it can cause potential clients to lose confidence in you. 

7. Ask for referrals. After all the previous steps on this list are done, it’s a great time to ask for referrals. 

By following these steps, you’ll establish yourself as an authority with every client you meet. This process is both repeatable and duplicatable—the key is to spend enough time in advance to establish it and practice it so you can deliver it like a pro. From there, you’ll be able to give every appointment the authority it deserves and establish yourself as a true professional. 

If you have any questions or you need help taking your listing appointments to the next level, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. My team and I would be happy to help you.