When it comes to maximizing our potential as real estate agents and business owners, time blocking is absolutely essential, and I can’t think of any other way to perform at the highest level and get the most out of your business.

Time blocking means having scheduled times throughout the day for all of your most important tasks. When I say “scheduled times,” I mean uninterrupted times that allow you to have a laser-like focus on the task at hand. When time blocking is executed at the highest level, it allows you to get the most done and take your business to the next level. Most importantly, it allows you to achieve a work/life balance. 

Multitasking, on the other hand, is a myth. Study after study has proven it to be the most ineffective way to get things done. As a matter of fact, multitasking causes you to work at the lowest level. Our mind and body are trained to focus on one thing at a time, and you can’t focus on one thing at a time and work at a high level if you’re trying to juggle multiple things or projects at once. That’s distraction at its finest, and it will cause you to leave a lot of money, work, and energy on the table. 

When time blocking, you must time block for one specific task—whether that’s prospecting, returning emails, etc. That’s the only way to do each and every task at the highest level. 

“Our team time blocks every day, and it allows us to work at the highest level.”

You also have to be at your very best when time blocking. Again, our mind and body are designed to focus on the task at hand for a certain amount of time. After that time, we need to rejuvenate ourselves. This means we have to time block strategically. You can’t just have a three-hour time blocking session for prospecting and expect to sit down and prospect for three hours straight. You need to have intervals of extreme focus followed by small breaks so you can reset your mind and get back to the task at hand. 

For instance, my team prospects by breaking each hour down. We prospect for 50 minutes straight and then do a 10-minute break. After that 10-minute break, we resume prospecting for another 50 minutes.

Lastly, get rid of all distractions when time blocking. This means no Facebook, email, TV, cell phones, etc. The task at hand should be the only thing you focus on. Distractions are our No. 1 time-killer. When you get distracted, it takes your focus off of time blocking and undermines everything you’re trying to accomplish.

The task our team focuses on the most is prospecting, so when we’re doing that, it’s our singular focus. Everyone is standing, and the only thing open on their computer is their CRM so they can look at and talk to their leads. This allows everyone to script at a higher level, have conversations at a higher level, tune into each and every client, and make sure they’re not missing any opportunities. 

If you have any questions about time blocking or you’d like some more tips and tricks on how to time block at the highest level, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to speak with you and help you in any way I can.