You can get some great leads by purchasing them from Zillow and But are they worth the money? From our experience, it depends on a few things. Chief among these are your conversion and follow-up processes.

In case you don’t know already, both of these websites are very expensive lead sources. On average, you’re paying $100 per lead for a zip code that’s in a $300,000 price point. I’ve heard that less than 5% of agents who purchase these leads are actually turning a profit on them. The rest are losing money.

With both of these lead sources, consumers come to you. On Zillow, when one visits the site to look at a specific home and wants to get more information or request a showing, your name will appear on the right-hand side with two other agents. Your Zillow profile and recent sales will be listed underneath. In order to increase your chances of being chosen, you need to have a lot of positive reviews and a good sales record. Typically, the agent with the most reviews and the most sales is the one that gets chosen. On, it’s a similar process. However, they actually sell each lead to multiple agents at the same time.

“Our team follows a very strict 21-day follow-up process.”

Not only are these leads expensive, but there is also a lot of direct competition for them.Whether or not you find success with this type of lead depends entirely on how you handle the lead after you receive it. Our team follows a very strict 21-day follow-up process. We send 15 different texts, videos, and emails over those 21 days in order to convert your leads.

These lead sources can be lucrative, but they aren’t for the faint of heart. If you think it’s going to be easy to make a quick buck on these leads, you shouldn’t even consider purchasing them.

If you have any questions for me about these leads or want any tips to help convert them, give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.