I see many agents out there who try to do open houses by putting up a few signs, neglect to follow-up on any leads they get, and then claim that open houses don’t work.

The reality is, open houses are a great opportunity to attract business from people who are out and about looking for homes. The quality of your open house and the results you get from it are a direct result of what you put into it.

Additionally, many people assume open houses are only a good source for buyer business. The truth is that they’re also a great source to attract seller business. If you market that open house, talk to the neighbors, and put out a lot of signs, those same neighbors will think about you when it’s time for them to sell their home.

There are four strategies you can use to take your open house to the next level and reap the all the benefits from it.

First, use signs, signs, and more signs.Way too often I see agents only putting out only two, three, or four signs. On our team, we encourage our agents to put up anywhere from 25 to 50 signs. Every single time we do an open house, the No. 1 source of all the attendees is our signs.

Second, advertise the open house on social media.Social media, particularly Facebook, allows you to target certain audiences so you can take that open house and create an audience within one mile of it for a cheap price. In addition to that, there are some really cool tools like Mojo Dialer and Cole Realty Resource that allow you to pull the phone numbers of all the neighbors in the area. We encourage our agents to create a list of 200 to 300 of the closest neighbors and invite them or leave them a voicemail 24 to 48 hours before the open house. Again, this shows them that you’re willing to put in the time, energy, and focus to market that open house at the highest level.

“The quality of your open house and the results you get from it are a direct result of what you put into them.”

While people are coming to your open house, make sure you’re offering a tremendous amount of value. One of the things we see the most success from is finding out exactly what the people coming into the house are looking for in a home—the schools, price points, neighborhoods, etc. Offer to set them up on a custom search either on your website, your company’s provided website, or the MLS for the exact types of properties they’re looking for that will update every single day, keep properties in front of them, and keep them engaged. This is a goldmine if you do it correctly because consumers don’t always realize we have the ability to do this.

Lastly, make sure you have a follow-up plan in place and start following up with those leads consistently and systematically the Monday after the open house. Keep following up until you know there’s no more opportunity there. Our team has a 21-day follow-up process we use with every open house lead that starts the Monday after with texts, emails, phone calls, and videos. This process enables us to reach out and convert those leads after the open house. The open house doesn’t stop that day—most of the conversion happens after it’s over.

If you have any more questions about how to market open houses or you’d like to talk about taking your career to the next level, give us a call or shoot us an email. I’d love to help.