As real estate professionals and business professionals, it’s imperative that we have one central place where we can manage and keep records of our business relationships over time. This will allow us to create even more business in the future.

That’s where the term “CRM” comes from. CRM stands for “customer relationship management,” and that’s exactly what these systems do. They allow you to manage and follow up with your clients over the course of time.

There are many different CRMs out there, but they all share a basic premise. CRMs give you a centralized place to manage communications, future follow-ups, and records and notes. Using this kind of system will allow you to grow a bigger and more abundant business.

However, there is a lot of confusion out there about how to segment one’s database. Ultimately, the most important thing when it comes to database management is to develop a plan and stick to it.

“The most important thing when it comes to database management is to develop a plan and stick to it.”

At the very least, I recommend that you take every single lead that you have and segment them in your database by label or grade. The easiest way to do this is by dividing leads into A, B, and C opportunities.

The A list should be made up of people you have worked with and referred you to others. Your B clients are people you may or may not have worked with. These people may not have yet referred business to you but are good prospects for future referrals. C clients are people who you don’t think will likely refer you business in the future.

You should be dividing your database into these A, B, and C categories at the very minimum.

Once you’ve segmented your clients, it’s key to have a follow-up plan.One of the great things about CRMs is that they not only help you manage past relationships, they are also set up to give you reminders for when you need to follow up with clients.

Here at the Nickley Group, we utilize two different CRMs. Our entire back-end business is run out of Top Producer and our sales team uses Commissions Inc.

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.