Dr. Betsy Guerra's story is a testament to the power of faith and acceptance in overcoming profound adversity. Her journey from pain to resilience is a source of inspiration for anyone facing burnout or challenging life experiences. In this episode, we learn that faith isn't about avoiding pain but about embracing it, understanding it, and ultimately, finding hope and healing through acceptance. Join us in this compelling conversation as we explore the transformative potential of faith and acceptance in the face of life's most profound trials.



1) Check out Dr. Betsy online: https://betterwithbetsy.com/



2) Watch the 5-part video series: https://hurt2hope.com/faith/



3) Get the book, “Hurt 2 Hope”



4) Download a Copy of the Burnout Checklist: https://www.drsharongrossman.com/burnoutchecklist



5) Sign up for a FREE Breakthrough Session with Dr. Sharon: http://www.bookachatwithsharon.com



6) Take the first step to Decode Your Burnout: http://decodeyourburnout.com