In this podcast you will get to hear how Cher Kretz, host of the podcast Parenting 2.0 The Focused Mindset helps parents upgrade their parenting skills through a solution focused coaching approach. You have to listen in to how a solution focused therapy approach helps people focus on solutions and not the problem. It's a one small bite approach to making necessary changes to our children's health, as well as an intuitive approach to building positive relationships with food and our bodies.

Cher Kretz is had dedicated school counseling to helping kids overcome challenges.  But she believes that you are the one who has the greatest impact in the life of your child. Cher wants to help you understand your child  and to feel equipped to parent with confidence.  You are not alone in your journey to raise confident kids and have a happy family. Whether it is through listening to her podcast, getting my learning guides or with solution focused  coaching, she will help you every step of the way.

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Remember - Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul