How to Life is the title of my next guest's podcast, YouTube channel, and website. In this episode of the One Small Bite podcast Dr. Laura Jaget talks to us today about her show and how her own life experiences have helped her develop a resource that helps young adults learn to survive and thrive with tips, tools, and tactics to master the art of adulting. If you're a parent, teacher, or mentor to a young adult this show will help you get a better perspective on how to help guide them. We talk about her Mominars, which are video tutorials and podcast shows that provide tips and tools from as simple as how to iron clothes properly to organizing your finances and saving for retirement. Life lessons that no one ever teaches or learns. We all have to just figure it out for ourselves. I sure wish I had a resource like this when I was a young adult. Listen in to Dr. Jaget's inspiring story of how she overcame major challenges in her life by keeping a gratitude journal. How it helped her focus more on the positive aspects in her life that then offered her a way to thrive and create a wonderful life herself.

Dr. Laura Jaget is a mother of four young adults, a wife, a chiropractor and successful business owner for over 25 years, and she was also an NCAA Division 1 tennis player back in college. Just amazing! She comes from humble beginnings like many of us, and like many of us has struggle through various life challenges herself. She states that she dabbles in pickle ball, ballroom dancing, marksmanship, and more, but she is being modest because her story is inspiring. More importantly she has a great resource in How to Life not just for adults, but for anyone trying to maneuver through this complicated world of adulthood.

Exciting news! We now have a One Small Bite community where we discuss various nutrition and life topics that helps us thrive. Come and sign up and be a part of this amazing and nurturing community of people and let's chat about topics that help us transform.

Visit my website for more details and show notes.