I love the Fall and Halloween, and you know me, I’m gonna tell you how to enjoy the candy without all that guilt and shame. You’ll learn how to enjoy those treats and have a more relaxing holiday, because with intuitive eating we can build a more positive relationship with any food. Yes, any food, and that means candy.  

Maria’s Obsession Over Candy
You have to tune in to Maria’s story about candy and her fear of weight gain, overeating, and binging on sugar. We learn through Maria’s story that a desire to eat anything, including binging on candy, has a whole lot more to do with her emotional state and consequences of a repetitive negative narrative that reinforces an anxiety. Her fear of candy, which fuels further anxiety, and therefore desire.

I this episode I also provide 5 simple tips that can help us enjoy the holiday and candy, and focus more on the events and fun traditions that can help balance the holiday just a little bit. Check out these five simple tips

5 Simple Tips to Enjoy Halloween Candy 

Plan for Halloween activities - pumpkin patches, hay rides, decorations, costume making, for the weeks prior to HalloweenHave a meal with the family - enjoy a meal before all the trick-o-treatingEnjoy your favorite candy - enjoy the candy you want, and don't bother with the restPay attention to your body cues –  Episode 13, where Evelyn Tribole, co-author of Intuitive Eating described the importance of interoceptive awareness. Pay attention to your body.  Play the Switch Witch – Think Tooth Fairy but for Halloween. Send the candy to a food bank or charity. 

But hey remember, the most important part of Halloween, or any holiday, are the memories and fun events that you get from being with family and friends. Enjoy your connections and be safe, keep your distance, wear masks, wash your hands, and be mindful. 

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Remember - Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul