In this episode we’ll go through what Intuitive Eating (IE) is and we’ll unpack how it can be used in conjunction with training to optimize performance. I bring TD Wellness Teammate and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Kia Bourne on the show. She is going to tell us about how IE can enhance your performance during your training, and after you’ve retired. We’ll meet an athlete who was down, struggling with her body image, and viewing her sport as a chore until she discovered Intuitive Eating. She was able to improve her performance while falling in love with her body and sport again.  

Imagine a world where being healthy is not correlated with being skinny or any kind of body image. Where working out is not just a means to burn calories or to get a slimmer waist and bigger butt. Imagine being taught as a young (and older) athlete that exercising can build strength and confidence; that nutrition can be sustainable, supportive, and fulfilling. Diet culture has taken this away from many of us and is something we struggle with, but good news is we don’t have to. 

Intermittent Fasting, Keto, Weight Watchers, Flexitarian, Vegetarian, Jenny Craig, South Beach, Beach Body, Shakeology, Anti-Inflammatory… the list goes on. 


Diet culture is everywhere we look and spread over every media platform. It’s with the friends and teammates we talk to and even our coaches and trainers. Are you tired of trying to find ways to shift and shape your body in order to look a certain way or to change in hopes of being better in your sport? 


So, how does it work? 


The 3 Pillars to Optimized Performance for Athletes 


There is a lot of noise when it comes to sports and nutrition. It can be difficult to find the best thing to do or to know the best way to eat. As an athlete, we are disciplined in nature and we want to be the best. Intuitive Eating can play a role in aiding us to listen to our bodies, to eat what we need to support performance and have peace in our minds. 

How to Get Started with Intuitive Eating 

Check out One Small Bite Podcast Episodes 13, 37, and 38 to hear from special guests and authors of Intuitive Eating- Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. Download The Athlete’s Guide to Intuitive Eating Be on the lookout for a new podcast all about Intuitive Eating and Sports Performance Find a Certified Intuitive Eating counselor near you through Counselor DirectoryMake an appointment with Certified Intuitive Eating counselors and RDNs at TD Wellness 

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Remember - Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul

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