Want to find out how camping is one of the best ways to nourish your soul? OK, well actually my family and I glamped-it, but still, what a way to recharge your internal batteries! 

Glamping It! 

Yea, we glamped it this time. If you’re in the Atlanta area, check out Stay Sublime (https://www.staysublime.com). They rent Airstreams, drop them off at a destination you choose, hook it all up, level it, and you’re ready to go. The Airstream is fully packed with all the amenities – kitchen, pots, pans, dishes, utensils, table that converts to a twin bed, queen size bed, full bath with shower. And they hook it all up for you as well. By the way, this is not an affiliate, they just have a great service that I wanted to share, because I can imagine for some of you the thought of a pitching a tent, sleeping on the floor, and freezing through the night is not your idea of fun and relaxing.

Check them out Stay Sublime (https://www.staysublime.com)

8 Health Benefits from Camping

Slow DownReduce Stress Reconnect Appreciating Nature Digitally Disconnection Mentally Challenging Physical Activity Appreciate Food 

Yes, camping is all about the food. You have plan it, pack it just right, make sure you have enough, and then you gotta cook it. Camping is not for the faint at heart, and in the challenge lies one of the key benefits of camping. 

Big Ask
Go camping (or glamping)! Get outdoors and enjoy life. I’d love to hear how it goes. Leave me a quick voice message here or feel free to email us at [email protected].  

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